Fruitland Primary Student Handbook 2024-2025

13 ▪ Hats are not to be worn in school buildings without a doctor’s note. ▪ Weapons and /or dangerous objects may not be brought to school UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. ▪ Toys and games may not be brought to school unless the teacher sends a request IN WRITING to parents. ▪ Items of value (monetary or sentimental) and personal toys should not be brought to the school building. ▪ Sports equipment, including not limited to baseballs, basketballs, bats and Frisbees are not to be brought to school. REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS 1st and 2nd grade progress reports are published four times per year in the middle of the Marking Term. PreK and K progress reports are completed during marking terms two through four. Report Cards are published four times per year. Students will bring home a printed copy of their report card in terms 1-3. The final report card will be published in the week following the last student day in June. A request for a conference may be indicated on the report card by the teacher. You may request a parent/teacher conference at any time during the school year. Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Checklists use the following letter designation: PR Proficient IP In Progress ND Needs Development NY Not Yet First and Second Grades O, S, U A, B, C, D, E Special Areas, Social Habits, Work Habits ELA (Writing, grammar, conventions, phonics, word study, fluency, reading comprehension), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies FAMILY PORTAL Parents of students in grades 1 and 2 are encouraged to utilize the Family Portal online system to monitor students’ grades and attendance. Students in all grades will have their progress reports and report cards published in this platform throughout the year. Information including login and password procedures will be provided to parents of students in these grades at the start of the school year. HOMEWORK FOR ABSENCES Make-up work for student absences will be available upon their return to school. It may be possible to work with teachers directly to prepare make-up work ahead of time. All make-up work for credit must be completed in accordance with the Wicomico County Handbook. PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Teachers are encouraged to request parent conferences as the need arises. They may do this with the report card request, or they may contact you directly. Parents should also request conferences with teachers. The best procedure for these requests is to send a note to your child’s teacher(s) for an appointment. The teacher(s) will respond to your note with an appointment time.