Fruitland Primary Student Handbook 2024-2025

15 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM (ILT) This committee is composed of representatives from each grade level, resource, special area, instructional assistants, guidance, principal, assistant principal and one or two parents. Meetings are held after school in two-hour increments of time. Agendas of meetings are shared with all school personnel before the meetings occur. Minutes of meetings are shared with all school personnel after the meetings are held. During these meetings members review data from formal and informal assessments, attendance data and discipline data. They also refine and develop new goals for the future which are identified in the school action plan. If you are interested in taking part in these meetings, please email Ms. Murray at noting your desire to be considered for the parent representative. PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE This committee serves as a line of communication between Fruitland Primary School and the community. The PAC consists of parent representation for each grade level Pk-2, administration from both schools and a teacher representative from both schools. Meetings are held after school for about an hour alternating between the two schools one time per marking term. The advisory team aims to have a parent for each grade represented. If you are interested in taking part in these meetings, please email Ms. Murray at noting your desire to be considered as the grade level representative. PUBLICITY OPT-OUT FORMS This form is incorporated at the time of registration, please contact the school office if you have questions relating to your student’s publicity status. Publicity incorporates the internet along with the usual media avenues (newspaper, television, and social media). These will be collected and submitted to the office. Students’ photos or video images may be used by the school/district unless a publicity Opt-Out form is signed by a parent and submitted to the school office.