2 Welcome to Fruitland Primary School! We serve approximately 450 PreK-Grade 2 students. ❖ FOREWORD The staff at Fruitland Primary School are pleased to have you as a member of our school family. This handbook provides information that we think will answer questions you may have about school policies and procedures. However, never hesitate to contact the school office with any further questions that you may have. It is through positive, informed, and effective communication that we as educators and guardians can best support the needs of each child. ❖ MISSION STATEMENT Our mission at Fruitland Primary School is to educate our students to be lifelong learners and productive citizens in an ever-changing society. ❖ BELIEF STATEMENTS • All students can learn and experience success through the implementation of research driven practices. • All students should be challenged to reach his or her full potential to be college and career ready. • Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual needs. • Students learn in a variety of ways and should be provided with differentiated instruction to support their learning. • Children have the right to learn in a safe environment, fostering positive relationships and mutual respect. • Teachers, staff, administration, parents, students, and the community share the responsibility of promoting our school’s mission. QUICK ACCESS LINKS: 6-Day Calendar Rotation Absences for Family Vacations Arrival of Students Automated Prerecorded Telephone Message System Be in the Know…Facebook/Website Birthday Celebrations Bus Rules/Bus Safety Cafeteria Car Rider Procedure Code of Conduct Daily Schedule Delayed Opening, Early Dismissal Closings Early Dismissal End of Year Ceremonies Family Portal Field Day Field Trips Fire/Safety Drills Gift Deliveries to Students Guidance and Social Work Services Health Services Homework for Absences Immunization/Physical Requirements Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) Late Arrival Lost and Found Medication Parent Advisory Committee Parent-Teacher Conferences PBIS Personal Data/Emergency Information Forms Proof of Residency Publicity Opt-Out Form Report Cards/Progress Reports School Pictures Skipper Pledge Student Agendas Student Attendance Support Staff Listing Visitors to School Volunteer Program Walkers Yellow Communication Folders