Fruitland Primary Student Handbook 2024-2025

6 BUS RULES/BUS SAFETY School buses will bring students to the bus ramp accessed from N. Division Street, this loop area is closed to all except buses from 8:15-9:15am and 3:15-4:15pm. Only students who ride a Wicomico County School Bus will load and unload in that area. Do not gather in this area as this will interfere with the safe loading or unloading of buses. o The bus driver has absolute control of the bus and of the conduct of those on it. Students are expected to obey the bus driver. o Students who fail to abide by the bus rules will be disciplined. Bus drivers have the right to suspend a student from riding the bus for a period of one day. Administration may suspend students for additional days. Parents will be notified of bus suspensions before they go into effect. The school discipline policy is as follows: 1st Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal or designee. 2nd Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal or designee. 3rd Offense Referral to the Transportation Office. Conference with the Supervisor of Transportation, parent and student (and the driver, if deemed necessary). The student will be removed from the bus until a satisfactory conference has been held. 4th Offense Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th Offense Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year. CAR RIDER ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL The car rider drop-off area is accessed through the parking lot on the side of the school. Be mindful to obey traffic signage as entry and exit from the parking lot during car rider arrival and dismissal is right turn only. When dropping or picking up students, follow the signals provided by staff on duty to ensure all students can safely exit the car. If you park in a parking space, please walk your child across the parking lot. Please exhibit patience in the drop-off and pick-up area. Waiting until 8:55 AM to drop or 4:00 PM to retrieve students will reduce wait time. CAR RIDER PROCEDURES o Please be reminded a form must be completed each year for students to be designated as everyday car riders. o These students will wait in the gymnasium during the dismissal period. o Parents and students will have an assigned number. Please display your assigned number in the windshield. Those without a number displayed will be asked to park in the lot, and report to the main entrance to retrieve the child. Students will not be dismissed at the office until 4:10pm. o Parents will need to form a double line in order to keep the roadways clear. Do not switch lanes once a staff member has taken your number. Students are lined up according to the line you have entered. o Parents must remain in their vehicles. Do not leave your vehicle unattended in the line. o Parents are not to enter or approach the school doors. All parents will be asked to report to the main entrance for assistance. WALKERS Walker dismissal is only for students that live in the walker area, designated by the WCPS Transportation department. Use or contact the Transportation Department to confirm if your child can be dismissed with the walkers.