Fruitland Primary Student Handbook 2024-2025

7 • Walkers will need to cross at the Louise St. crosswalk. Students will wait with school staff inside the fenced area close to the school until someone comes to escort the student off site. • Students will not be released from Fruitland Primary School staff until a family escort comes to the school side of the Louise St. crossing guard location. Students must be met on the school side of the cross-guard location for the safety and well-being of all students, or they will be returned to the school. STUDENT ATTENDANCE Coming to school every day is very important. Full day attendance requires a student to be in class for a minimum of 4 hours. Half day attendance requires a minimum of 2 hours in class. Our goal is to have 100% participation of students attending school every day. We realize there are times when a student may be ill, making attendance impossible, but we are asking you to help us reach this goal by scheduling trips, appointments, etc. at times when school is not in session. This will allow your child to come to school every day unless they are ill. A note is requested for each absence, doctors’ and parental notes will be accepted. Students are not permitted to exceed 5 parent notes per year, after which a doctor’s note will be required for each absence. A valid note may be applied towards counting an absence as excused, but all absences excused or unexcused will be recorded for the child’s records. ABSENCES FOR FAMILY VACATIONS/TRIPS • The trip must be with the family or is parent sanctioned. • Circumstances and reason should be fully discussed with the principal. The last page of the WCPS STUDENT ATTENDANCE PROCEDURE is to be completed and turned in at least two weeks in advance. Up to 3 school days per school year may be approved. • All arrangements for homework, tests, etc. should be worked out with the individual teachers a week in advance. Students are expected to complete all make-up work as spelled out in the WCPS STUDENT ATTENDANCE PROCEDURE. DELAYED OPENING, EARLY DISMISSAL, CLOSINGS If schools are closed, will open late or close early on a regularly scheduled school day, announcements will be made on the following local radio and television stations: Local Radio Channels WSBY 960 AM WICO 94.3 FM WKHI 95.9 FM WICO 1320 AM WDIH 90.3 FM WOLC 102.5 FM WJDY 1470 AM WQHQ 104.7 FM WLVW 105.5 FM WDMV 540 AM WSBY 98 FM WOCQ 104 FM Local Television Stations WMDT-TV Channel 47 WBOC-TV Channel 16 FOX21 Channel 21 In addition, you may view the latest information on the district’s website, school webpage at and Facebook page at Our superintendent will send a message through the automatic messaging system to the ONE home number and parent/guardian email address. If at any time your family’s contact information changes, notify the school so you will not miss out on notifications. Signs will be posted in the bus loop and car rider area.