Fruitland Primary Student Handbook 2024-2025

8 • 90-minute delay: Doors open for students at 10:15 am. No breakfast will be served. Students will be marked tardy starting at 10:45 am. 6 DAY CALENDAR ROTATION Fruitland Primary School operates on a six-day rotation schedule. Days are identified as A, B, C, D, E, and F. Therefore, the first day of school will be an A-day. The daily cycle will follow sequentially regardless of day(s) missed for holidays, weather, etc. Your child’s teacher will send home information during the first week of school that will inform you about which days your child has special area classes such as physical education, art, music, and media. This will allow you to know which days your child will need to wear tennis shoes for physical education. VISITORS TO SCHOOL When anyone visits a school in Wicomico County, they must first stop and check in at the school office and present a valid ID. This is most important for the protection and safety of all students. This reminder is posted on each entrance door of our school. Remember that the education and safety of children are our first concerns. All visitors must be “buzzed” in at the front entrance. The RAPTOR System is utilized as part of the check-in process for all school visitors. Each visitor is required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk located in the main office. Only with successful identification through the system will a visitor’s pass be printed and further access to the school granted. The RAPTOR system will be utilized for all school events and scheduled appointments. We ask that you wear your visitor pass in a highly visible location throughout the duration of your visit to the school. To keep potential interruptions to instruction at a minimum all school events, appointments will be open only to those 18 years of age and older, who are listed as a contact in parent portal. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be permitted in the building. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM There are many opportunities for you to become involved in our school. A volunteer coordinator will match parent availability with school and teacher needs. All interested volunteers must complete a volunteer application prior to receiving volunteer assignments. Each visitor is required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk located in the main office. FIELD DAY One day in the spring is set aside for a physical activity day. Events scheduled during this day reflect skills areas practiced and developed in the physical education program. All children participate. The physical education department has the responsibility of planning and coordinating the activities of this day. We ask that all children participate unless there is a clear reason for them not to participate, which must be shared with the principal. TWO visitors over the age of 18, listed on a student’s contact list are welcome to utilize the TWO tickets provided per Fruitland Primary School registered student to observe. All visitors are required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk, in accordance with our visitor policy outlined above. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be permitted entrance to field day.