Fruitland Primary Student Handbook 2024-2025

9 END OF YEAR CEREMONIES The final four days of the school year are partially devoted to End of Year ceremonies. Each grade will have one morning dedicated to it, ceremonies of two to three teachers will be scheduled. All children who attend school on their designated day will participate, your child must be present at the start of the day to participate. TWO visitors listed on a student’s contact list over the age of 18 are welcome to join as audience members and utilize the TWO tickets provided per Fruitland Primary School registered student to observe. All visitors are required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk, in accordance with our visitor policy outlined above. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be permitted in the building for these ceremonies. Also reference the Gift Deliveries to Students section for more information. FIELD TRIPS A single class, grade level, or combination of classes frequently take field trips. They are not, however, required. Field trips are planned at the discretion of the teachers and must be curriculum oriented. When trips are planned, it is important that all members of the class attend, regardless of ability to pay, as learners will participate in lessons as they prepare for the trip and as they return from the trip. A signed permission slip from a parent or guardian is required for all field trips. Cost for the field trip is determined by the number of people going on the trip, the admittance fees, and the bus costs. If your ability to pay for your child’s experience creates a real challenge for your household, please contact Ms. Murray, assistant principal, and request a waiver of the fee for your family. There will not be a refund of money paid for field trips, if for any reason, a person cannot attend, since we assess the absolute minimum to pay for the expenses listed above. Monies must be collected two weeks prior to the field trip date. Chaperoning School trips are a responsibility that parents may take on to support our school and our students. A lottery system is used to determine which parents/guardians will be chosen to attend. We appreciate the support, but we require that all chaperones accept the responsibilities assigned. All chaperones must: • be an adult over the age of 18 and listed in parent portal as a contact. • swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk located in the main office. • maintain control of the group of students who are assigned to you for the duration of the trip. • adhere to the directions given by the teachers who are in charge. • follow all requirements of teachers and students including no smoking & no drinking of alcoholic beverages. Students must ride the bus to and from the trip, they may not ride home with their parents. Parents may sign their child out upon arrival back to the school. This will be noted as an unexcused early dismissal unless a doctor’s note is provided as a result of an appointment. Be sure to provide a copy of the doctor’s note to the school prior to the field trip departure. Once teachers finalize the details on a field trip, parents will be notified in writing by the teachers, giving all the details concerning the trip. Questions about the trips should be directed to your child’s homeroom teacher.