FRUITLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL 301 N. Division Street Fruitland, MD 21826 STUDENT HANDBOOK Phone: 410.677.5171 Fax: 410.677.5176 Website: Facebook: Principal: Parris Abt Assistant Principal: Christina Murray
2 Welcome to Fruitland Primary School! We serve approximately 450 PreK-Grade 2 students. ❖ FOREWORD The staff at Fruitland Primary School are pleased to have you as a member of our school family. This handbook provides information that we think will answer questions you may have about school policies and procedures. However, never hesitate to contact the school office with any further questions that you may have. It is through positive, informed, and effective communication that we as educators and guardians can best support the needs of each child. ❖ MISSION STATEMENT Our mission at Fruitland Primary School is to educate our students to be lifelong learners and productive citizens in an ever-changing society. ❖ BELIEF STATEMENTS • All students can learn and experience success through the implementation of research driven practices. • All students should be challenged to reach his or her full potential to be college and career ready. • Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual needs. • Students learn in a variety of ways and should be provided with differentiated instruction to support their learning. • Children have the right to learn in a safe environment, fostering positive relationships and mutual respect. • Teachers, staff, administration, parents, students, and the community share the responsibility of promoting our school’s mission. QUICK ACCESS LINKS: 6-Day Calendar Rotation Absences for Family Vacations Arrival of Students Automated Prerecorded Telephone Message System Be in the Know…Facebook/Website Birthday Celebrations Bus Rules/Bus Safety Cafeteria Car Rider Procedure Code of Conduct Daily Schedule Delayed Opening, Early Dismissal Closings Early Dismissal End of Year Ceremonies Family Portal Field Day Field Trips Fire/Safety Drills Gift Deliveries to Students Guidance and Social Work Services Health Services Homework for Absences Immunization/Physical Requirements Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) Late Arrival Lost and Found Medication Parent Advisory Committee Parent-Teacher Conferences PBIS Personal Data/Emergency Information Forms Proof of Residency Publicity Opt-Out Form Report Cards/Progress Reports School Pictures Skipper Pledge Student Agendas Student Attendance Support Staff Listing Visitors to School Volunteer Program Walkers Yellow Communication Folders
3 DAILY SCHEDULE Regular Schedule: 8:45 AM School Building Opens 9:05 AM Morning Announcements Begin 9:15 AM Instruction Begins Students considered late if not seated at 9:15 11:00 AM PreK and Kindergarten Lunch 11:45 AM 1st Grade Lunch 12:15 PM 2nd Grade Lunch 3:40 PM Students Report to Dismissal Locations 3:45 PM Dismissal Begins 4:15 PM School Building Closes **If you are dropping off lunch for your child, make sure it is packaged in a lunchbox or non-descript bag, does not have soft-drinks, and is labeled with the child’s name. Staff will ask parents dropping off Happy Meals, to hold on the toy and soft-drink, while the food will be provided to the child, without the carrying box.** 90-Minute Delay Schedule: **No Breakfast will be served** 10:15 AM School Building Opens 10:40 AM Morning Announcements Begin 10:45 AM Instruction Begins Students considered late if not seated at 10:45 11:00 AM PreK and Kindergarten Lunch 11:45 AM 1st Grade Lunch 12:15 PM 2nd Grade Lunch 3:40 PM Students Report to Dismissal Locations 3:45 PM Dismissal Begins 4:15 PM School Building Closes Early Dismissal Schedule: 8:45 AM School Building Opens 9:05 AM Morning Announcements Begin 9:15 AM Instruction Begins Students considered late if not seated at 9:15 11:00 AM Lunches Begin Schedule varies 12:40 PM Students Report to Dismissal Locations 12:45 PM Dismissal Begins 1:15 PM School Building Closes
4 FRUITLAND PRIMARY SKIPPER PLEDGE I AM HELPFUL I AM RESPECTFUL I AM RESPONSIBLE I AM READY TO LEARN School Expectations I am HELPFUL I am RESPECTFUL I am RESPONSIBLE I am READY TO LEARN Classrooms & All Settings • Complete your classroom job(s) • Assist the teacher and peers • Listen to your teacher • Raise your hand • Be a friend to all • Wish Well • Smile • Listen politely • Raise hand to speak • Use kind words • Follow directions the first time asked • Keep my hands and feet to myself • Make good choices • Apologize and accept the consequences for my actions • Come prepared for class • Complete my work • Do my best Hallways • Pick up trash you see on the floor • Hold the door for someone • Wish Well • Walk single file, straight, silent, and to the right. • Keep hallways neat and clean • Keep my hands and feet off the walls and displays • Follow directions the first time asked • Keep hands and feet to myself • Make good choices • Apologize and accept the consequences for my actions • Face forward • Listen carefully • Have your materials Bus • Sit in your assigned seat • Offer to show someone new the routine • Pick up trash • Say hi to bus driver and students • Smile • use a quiet voice • Speak nicely to others • Follow directions the first time asked • Make good choices • Apologize and accept the consequences for my actions • Stay in my seat • Keep hands and objects inside the bus • Keep my hands and feet to myself • Walk safely to and from the bus Playground • Play with someone who does not have anyone to play with • Use equipment as intended • Pick up trash • Share equipment • Take turns and play together • Follow directions the first time asked • Keep hands and feet to myself • Walk safely to and from the playground • Apologize and accept the consequences for my actions • Use equipment properly • Stay in designated areas • Keep my hands and feet to myself • Know the playground rules and use them Cafeteria • Say please and thank-you • Keep your area clean & pick up trash • Sit with someone who is alone • Wait quietly in line to be served • Use good table manners • Talk nicely to others – using an inside voice • Clean up at my table • Follow directions the first time asked • Walk safely in the cafeteria • Apologize and accept the consequences for my actions • Eat my own food, do not share • Stay seated at all times • Keep my hands and feet to myself • Raise my hand if I need something Bathrooms • Wait your turn • Knock before entering • Clean up after yourself • Respect privacy – knock on the door before entering • Keep the bathroom clean - keep it in the toilet • Throw paper towels in the trash can • Clean up after me • Use one squirt of hand soap • Return to class quickly • Apologize and accept the consequences for my actions • Flush, then wash and dry my hands • Report problems to the teacher
5 PBIS (POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION SUPPORT) Positive Behavioral Intervention Support is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. PBIS is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school wide, and classroom discipline systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student specific discipline plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students, all staff, and all settings. School-wide and hallway rules, cafeteria procedures, bus ramp expectations, attendance, and other sections of this document support this initiative. Students earn positive points for making good choices and following the Skipper Pledge daily. Celebrations are scheduled monthly and quarterly to celebrate students who have reached their point and attendance goals. Students will be able to track their points earned towards each incentive. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS School doors are unlocked for students to enter at 8:45 a.m. each school day (except in case of 90minute weather-related delay). For the safety of your child, please see that they do not arrive before 8:45 a.m. Supervision will not be provided by the staff until 8:45 a.m. LATE ARRIVAL All students who are not seated in their classroom at 9:15am. If a child must arrive at a school after 9:15am he/she must report to the main door escorted by the adult who is dropping them off. Here they will be able to enter the building to receive a tardy slip before he/she will be allowed to go to the classroom. A doctor’s note will need to be provided in order to excuse the tardy. EARLY DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Students who must leave school during the school day should bring a note to their teacher that morning. A physical note or email from home is required when a student’s afternoon transportation routine differs from the norm. Telephone requests will need to be followed up with an email or fax request before they can be honored. For security reasons phone calls cannot be accepted, a written note is required. To utilize email include both the classroom teacher and our office staff ( Morgan Powell and Macey Nesmith ) and/or fax a copy of the note (410-677-5176) by noon on the day of the desired change. Your child’s safety is much too important for us to deviate from this procedure. When picking up your child early, report to the main door to get your child prior to 3:15 pm. Student early dismissals will not occur between 3:15 and 4:10. If a front door dismissal between 3:15 and 4:10 pm is required it must be accompanied by a doctor’s note showing the appointment time, in line with the procedures above. Please have your I.D. ready as office staff will cross-reference your I.D. and the student contacts listed in the parent portal before calling them to the office for dismissal. Only adults over the age of 18 listed on the student data form will be allowed to pick students up.
6 BUS RULES/BUS SAFETY School buses will bring students to the bus ramp accessed from N. Division Street, this loop area is closed to all except buses from 8:15-9:15am and 3:15-4:15pm. Only students who ride a Wicomico County School Bus will load and unload in that area. Do not gather in this area as this will interfere with the safe loading or unloading of buses. o The bus driver has absolute control of the bus and of the conduct of those on it. Students are expected to obey the bus driver. o Students who fail to abide by the bus rules will be disciplined. Bus drivers have the right to suspend a student from riding the bus for a period of one day. Administration may suspend students for additional days. Parents will be notified of bus suspensions before they go into effect. The school discipline policy is as follows: 1st Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal or designee. 2nd Offense Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal or designee. 3rd Offense Referral to the Transportation Office. Conference with the Supervisor of Transportation, parent and student (and the driver, if deemed necessary). The student will be removed from the bus until a satisfactory conference has been held. 4th Offense Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th Offense Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year. CAR RIDER ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL The car rider drop-off area is accessed through the parking lot on the side of the school. Be mindful to obey traffic signage as entry and exit from the parking lot during car rider arrival and dismissal is right turn only. When dropping or picking up students, follow the signals provided by staff on duty to ensure all students can safely exit the car. If you park in a parking space, please walk your child across the parking lot. Please exhibit patience in the drop-off and pick-up area. Waiting until 8:55 AM to drop or 4:00 PM to retrieve students will reduce wait time. CAR RIDER PROCEDURES o Please be reminded a form must be completed each year for students to be designated as everyday car riders. o These students will wait in the gymnasium during the dismissal period. o Parents and students will have an assigned number. Please display your assigned number in the windshield. Those without a number displayed will be asked to park in the lot, and report to the main entrance to retrieve the child. Students will not be dismissed at the office until 4:10pm. o Parents will need to form a double line in order to keep the roadways clear. Do not switch lanes once a staff member has taken your number. Students are lined up according to the line you have entered. o Parents must remain in their vehicles. Do not leave your vehicle unattended in the line. o Parents are not to enter or approach the school doors. All parents will be asked to report to the main entrance for assistance. WALKERS Walker dismissal is only for students that live in the walker area, designated by the WCPS Transportation department. Use or contact the Transportation Department to confirm if your child can be dismissed with the walkers.
7 • Walkers will need to cross at the Louise St. crosswalk. Students will wait with school staff inside the fenced area close to the school until someone comes to escort the student off site. • Students will not be released from Fruitland Primary School staff until a family escort comes to the school side of the Louise St. crossing guard location. Students must be met on the school side of the cross-guard location for the safety and well-being of all students, or they will be returned to the school. STUDENT ATTENDANCE Coming to school every day is very important. Full day attendance requires a student to be in class for a minimum of 4 hours. Half day attendance requires a minimum of 2 hours in class. Our goal is to have 100% participation of students attending school every day. We realize there are times when a student may be ill, making attendance impossible, but we are asking you to help us reach this goal by scheduling trips, appointments, etc. at times when school is not in session. This will allow your child to come to school every day unless they are ill. A note is requested for each absence, doctors’ and parental notes will be accepted. Students are not permitted to exceed 5 parent notes per year, after which a doctor’s note will be required for each absence. A valid note may be applied towards counting an absence as excused, but all absences excused or unexcused will be recorded for the child’s records. ABSENCES FOR FAMILY VACATIONS/TRIPS • The trip must be with the family or is parent sanctioned. • Circumstances and reason should be fully discussed with the principal. The last page of the WCPS STUDENT ATTENDANCE PROCEDURE is to be completed and turned in at least two weeks in advance. Up to 3 school days per school year may be approved. • All arrangements for homework, tests, etc. should be worked out with the individual teachers a week in advance. Students are expected to complete all make-up work as spelled out in the WCPS STUDENT ATTENDANCE PROCEDURE. DELAYED OPENING, EARLY DISMISSAL, CLOSINGS If schools are closed, will open late or close early on a regularly scheduled school day, announcements will be made on the following local radio and television stations: Local Radio Channels WSBY 960 AM WICO 94.3 FM WKHI 95.9 FM WICO 1320 AM WDIH 90.3 FM WOLC 102.5 FM WJDY 1470 AM WQHQ 104.7 FM WLVW 105.5 FM WDMV 540 AM WSBY 98 FM WOCQ 104 FM Local Television Stations WMDT-TV Channel 47 WBOC-TV Channel 16 FOX21 Channel 21 In addition, you may view the latest information on the district’s website, school webpage at and Facebook page at Our superintendent will send a message through the automatic messaging system to the ONE home number and parent/guardian email address. If at any time your family’s contact information changes, notify the school so you will not miss out on notifications. Signs will be posted in the bus loop and car rider area.
8 • 90-minute delay: Doors open for students at 10:15 am. No breakfast will be served. Students will be marked tardy starting at 10:45 am. 6 DAY CALENDAR ROTATION Fruitland Primary School operates on a six-day rotation schedule. Days are identified as A, B, C, D, E, and F. Therefore, the first day of school will be an A-day. The daily cycle will follow sequentially regardless of day(s) missed for holidays, weather, etc. Your child’s teacher will send home information during the first week of school that will inform you about which days your child has special area classes such as physical education, art, music, and media. This will allow you to know which days your child will need to wear tennis shoes for physical education. VISITORS TO SCHOOL When anyone visits a school in Wicomico County, they must first stop and check in at the school office and present a valid ID. This is most important for the protection and safety of all students. This reminder is posted on each entrance door of our school. Remember that the education and safety of children are our first concerns. All visitors must be “buzzed” in at the front entrance. The RAPTOR System is utilized as part of the check-in process for all school visitors. Each visitor is required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk located in the main office. Only with successful identification through the system will a visitor’s pass be printed and further access to the school granted. The RAPTOR system will be utilized for all school events and scheduled appointments. We ask that you wear your visitor pass in a highly visible location throughout the duration of your visit to the school. To keep potential interruptions to instruction at a minimum all school events, appointments will be open only to those 18 years of age and older, who are listed as a contact in parent portal. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be permitted in the building. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM There are many opportunities for you to become involved in our school. A volunteer coordinator will match parent availability with school and teacher needs. All interested volunteers must complete a volunteer application prior to receiving volunteer assignments. Each visitor is required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk located in the main office. FIELD DAY One day in the spring is set aside for a physical activity day. Events scheduled during this day reflect skills areas practiced and developed in the physical education program. All children participate. The physical education department has the responsibility of planning and coordinating the activities of this day. We ask that all children participate unless there is a clear reason for them not to participate, which must be shared with the principal. TWO visitors over the age of 18, listed on a student’s contact list are welcome to utilize the TWO tickets provided per Fruitland Primary School registered student to observe. All visitors are required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk, in accordance with our visitor policy outlined above. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be permitted entrance to field day.
9 END OF YEAR CEREMONIES The final four days of the school year are partially devoted to End of Year ceremonies. Each grade will have one morning dedicated to it, ceremonies of two to three teachers will be scheduled. All children who attend school on their designated day will participate, your child must be present at the start of the day to participate. TWO visitors listed on a student’s contact list over the age of 18 are welcome to join as audience members and utilize the TWO tickets provided per Fruitland Primary School registered student to observe. All visitors are required to swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk, in accordance with our visitor policy outlined above. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be permitted in the building for these ceremonies. Also reference the Gift Deliveries to Students section for more information. FIELD TRIPS A single class, grade level, or combination of classes frequently take field trips. They are not, however, required. Field trips are planned at the discretion of the teachers and must be curriculum oriented. When trips are planned, it is important that all members of the class attend, regardless of ability to pay, as learners will participate in lessons as they prepare for the trip and as they return from the trip. A signed permission slip from a parent or guardian is required for all field trips. Cost for the field trip is determined by the number of people going on the trip, the admittance fees, and the bus costs. If your ability to pay for your child’s experience creates a real challenge for your household, please contact Ms. Murray, assistant principal, and request a waiver of the fee for your family. There will not be a refund of money paid for field trips, if for any reason, a person cannot attend, since we assess the absolute minimum to pay for the expenses listed above. Monies must be collected two weeks prior to the field trip date. Chaperoning School trips are a responsibility that parents may take on to support our school and our students. A lottery system is used to determine which parents/guardians will be chosen to attend. We appreciate the support, but we require that all chaperones accept the responsibilities assigned. All chaperones must: • be an adult over the age of 18 and listed in parent portal as a contact. • swipe their driver’s license or a valid State ID Card at the school visitor’s kiosk located in the main office. • maintain control of the group of students who are assigned to you for the duration of the trip. • adhere to the directions given by the teachers who are in charge. • follow all requirements of teachers and students including no smoking & no drinking of alcoholic beverages. Students must ride the bus to and from the trip, they may not ride home with their parents. Parents may sign their child out upon arrival back to the school. This will be noted as an unexcused early dismissal unless a doctor’s note is provided as a result of an appointment. Be sure to provide a copy of the doctor’s note to the school prior to the field trip departure. Once teachers finalize the details on a field trip, parents will be notified in writing by the teachers, giving all the details concerning the trip. Questions about the trips should be directed to your child’s homeroom teacher.
10 GIFT DELIVERIES TO STUDENTS Please do not have flowers, balloons and similar items delivered to school for students. It is impossible to take such things home on the bus and the arrival of them in classrooms creates a disruption to lessons. This practice will be in place throughout the school year, including during End of Year Ceremonies. Parents will be called to retrieve items delivered within an hour of delivery, as the office will not be able to house them in the office and they will not be delivered to the classrooms. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS We enjoy the opportunity to celebrate with our children. Please note that if you choose to bring in treats, the treats cannot be home-baked goods as they must be store-bought and individually packaged with a nutrition label affixed. In addition, all treats will be distributed at lunch only and must be brought in prior to the scheduled lunch time. No treats will be distributed in the classroom to preserve instructional time. CAFETERIA A menu is available on the county website with breakfast and lunch information. School year 2024-25 we will continue to offer breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of meal eligibility at no charge. These meals will be served under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Through the Maryland Meals for Achievement Program, breakfast is provided free of charge to all students at Fruitland Primary School regardless of meal status. Breakfast is served in the classroom from only 8:45 am to 9:10 am ONLY. Lunches will be served in the cafeteria and students utilizing the free lunch program will need to collect their lunch by walking through the serving line, where Kindergarten through 2nd graders will need to enter their lunch ID. Please work with your child on memorizing this important ID number. All 1st and 2nd grade students are given the opportunity to purchase ice cream. It is imperative they memorize their lunch ID number by the end of the first month of school, to streamline this purchasing process. Payments on accounts can be cash, check or credit card using LINQ Connect. For more information on online payment please reference the food service website available here. Application forms are sent home at the start of each school year and may be obtained from the school office during the school year. If a family’s financial situation changes at any time during the school year, the family may reapply. All information you provide is strictly confidential. The following criteria must be observed in the cafeteria: 1. Table manners must always be displayed. 2. Quiet conversations are permissible until the last 5 minutes of each shift. 3. Students who do not follow the Cafeteria Expectations on the Skipper Pledge may receive disciplinary measures. 4. Students are to remain seated throughout the lunch shift, they are not permitted to exit their seat without permission. 5. Each student is responsible for the cleanliness of their area. 6. Bottled or canned carbonated drinks are not permitted. No glass is permitted. 7. Students are responsible for knowing their lunch account number each day.
11 HEALTH SERVICES Good health helps to ensure your child’s regular attendance and good performance at school. Please inform your child’s teacher of any physical condition that might affect his/her performance. Do not send your child to school if he/she is running a temperature or feeling very ill. If an injury occurs away from school, please have it treated before sending your child to school. We have a school nurse at Fruitland Primary School every day. The school health services include vision and hearing screening for all Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, first grade children, new children to our county and children referred to the nurse by teachers or parents. If an abnormality in either of these areas is detected, parents are notified. In case of sudden illness or accidents at school, first aid is administered by the school nurse or other designated persons. Parents are called when the situation requires attention beyond the services provided by the school. If parents cannot be reached and emergency services are required, we will call 911 for assistance. To ensure all student health concerns are addressed promptly, make sure your contact information remains up to date, and be prepared to collect your student from the school building within one hour of being notified of the need for them to go home. MEDICATION All prescriptions and all non-prescription medications that are given during school hours require a physician’s medication form signed by a doctor. This includes cough drops, cough syrup, aspirin, etc. A responsible adult MUST bring all medication to school in the original container. Children are NOT to transport medications to or from school. Children are also not to keep medication in their possession during the school day. If you have any concern regarding this policy, please contact the school nurse. Please follow the school schedule of 8:45-4:15 when bringing medications to the nurse for your child. IMMUNIZATION/PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS All school requirements are listed in COMAR 10.06.04 and will be in effect at the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Students who do not have the required vaccinations on the first day of school must demonstrate proof of vaccination, positive titer results, or proof of a vaccination appointment that is scheduled within 20 calendar days from the date the student is temporarily admitted or retained. PERSONAL DATA/EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORMS New personal data/emergency information forms will be sent home with each child at the beginning of each school year. This form provides the emergency information that is essential for students. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL INFORMATION ON THE FRONT AND BACK OF THE FORM, AS WELL AS SIGN FOR EACH CHILD YOU HAVE IN OUR SCHOOL. All updates to our electronic student information must be accompanied by a new data form. No updates can be made without a signed and dated data form. For your child’s health and safety, it is CRITICAL that we have CURRENT emergency information, including parent’s home phone number, cell phone, work numbers, name and number of at least TWO other persons, if possible, who will take responsibility for your child if he/she should be injured or become ill at school when we are unable to reach you. Please be sure to ask these people if they are willing to assume this responsibility before you use their names. We also need to know of any changes
12 in your child’s health status. In addition, if there are any restrictions regarding custody/visitation this information should also be shared with the school office and your child’s teacher for the safety of your child. Please provide us with a copy of any legal custody paperwork you may have for your child. A copy of the official paperwork is to have the seal/notary from the court/judge. PROOF OF RESIDENCY It is the responsibility of all parents/guardians to provide the school with proof of their current residency. This may be done in the form of a tax bill, rental lease or utility bill. If you are new to the Fruitland Primary School community from the previous year or have moved over the summer, you are required to provide the school with the proper documentation indicating your current physical address and current mailing address. The school has the right to request updated documentation at any time. Returned mail will prompt the school to request updated proof of residency. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the office. Each school year, current residency must be submitted with opening packets. GUIDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK SERVICES Fruitland Primary School counseling staff provide individual counseling, group counseling and class lessons. The counseling staff will assist students with problems related to academic guidance, behavioral counseling, peer relationship problems, etc. Students can refer themselves or they can be referred by parents, teachers, or administrators. LOST AND FOUND Lost items are displayed on the wall near the cafeteria daily, except for jewelry, watches, eyeglasses and other items that are too small to hang. These small items are kept in the school office. At the end of each month, clothing that is not claimed will be donated to a charity. Please remind your child to look in the lost and found for his/her belongings when they are missing. Labeling personal items with a student name assists us in helping to reunite your child with their misplaced items. CODE OF CONDUCT The Wicomico County Public School system uses the Code of Conduct, a policy for handling inappropriate and unacceptable behavior in school, on school bus and at school-sponsored activities, which can be found on the county website at It is the guide of consequences used when inappropriate behaviors occur. We ask parents to support this Code, thus increasing its effectiveness at school, on the school bus and during school-sponsored activities. The code will be used routinely by the administrators when assigning consequences for unacceptable behavior. SCHOOL CONDUCT HIGHLIGHTS ▪ Skateboards, roller skates and roller blades are not allowed. ▪ Students must walk quietly in the hallways, breezeway and on sidewalks. ▪ There must be no running in the hallways, breezeway and on sidewalks. ▪ No profane and/or abusive language. ▪ Buying, selling and trading anything is not allowed.
13 ▪ Hats are not to be worn in school buildings without a doctor’s note. ▪ Weapons and /or dangerous objects may not be brought to school UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. ▪ Toys and games may not be brought to school unless the teacher sends a request IN WRITING to parents. ▪ Items of value (monetary or sentimental) and personal toys should not be brought to the school building. ▪ Sports equipment, including not limited to baseballs, basketballs, bats and Frisbees are not to be brought to school. REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS 1st and 2nd grade progress reports are published four times per year in the middle of the Marking Term. PreK and K progress reports are completed during marking terms two through four. Report Cards are published four times per year. Students will bring home a printed copy of their report card in terms 1-3. The final report card will be published in the week following the last student day in June. A request for a conference may be indicated on the report card by the teacher. You may request a parent/teacher conference at any time during the school year. Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Checklists use the following letter designation: PR Proficient IP In Progress ND Needs Development NY Not Yet First and Second Grades O, S, U A, B, C, D, E Special Areas, Social Habits, Work Habits ELA (Writing, grammar, conventions, phonics, word study, fluency, reading comprehension), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies FAMILY PORTAL Parents of students in grades 1 and 2 are encouraged to utilize the Family Portal online system to monitor students’ grades and attendance. Students in all grades will have their progress reports and report cards published in this platform throughout the year. Information including login and password procedures will be provided to parents of students in these grades at the start of the school year. HOMEWORK FOR ABSENCES Make-up work for student absences will be available upon their return to school. It may be possible to work with teachers directly to prepare make-up work ahead of time. All make-up work for credit must be completed in accordance with the Wicomico County Handbook. PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Teachers are encouraged to request parent conferences as the need arises. They may do this with the report card request, or they may contact you directly. Parents should also request conferences with teachers. The best procedure for these requests is to send a note to your child’s teacher(s) for an appointment. The teacher(s) will respond to your note with an appointment time.
14 Questions and concerns should be discussed with the teacher(s) involved. If you feel further discussion is necessary, a conference with the principal or assistant principal may be requested. This should be done, however, after you have first talked with the teacher(s). YELLOW COMMUNICATION FOLDER All students at Fruitland Primary School will be provided a YELLOW take-home folder. This plastic folder is provided by the school and will contain graded papers and school announcements. Please do not dispose of the folder and ensure that it is returned to the school each morning. If the yellow folder is lost, a replacement fee ($2.00) for a new folder will be charged. AUTOMATED PRERECORDED TELEPHONE MESSAGE SYSTEM The automated and prerecorded telephone message system is used to alert parents of upcoming events within our school and to contact families when children are absent. The automated absence called go out at approximately 10am, these calls cannot be stopped, even if the day has been proactively excused as an absence. The home number listed on the student data form will receive these phone messages. Phone numbers and emails must be accurate in order to receive the messages. Please be sure your phone number is always up to date. These are the same numbers we will turn to if your child is involved in an accident or injury while in school therefore the numbers you give us must be accurate. Please notify us, using an updated student data form each time your email, home, cell or work numbers change! Robo messages will translate into other languages. SCHOOL PICTURES Pictures of individual students are taken in the fall. Class pictures and individual pictures are taken in the spring. Each time they are made available to all parents on a preorder/prepay basis. Every effort has been made to select the most reasonably priced pictures service offered; and everything feasible has been done to see that quality service is provided. Contact information for the photo contractor will be provided upon request or if there are concerns with the picture order once received. FIRE/SAFETY DRILLS Drills will be conducted on a regular basis throughout the school year. If you are in the school when a fire bell rings or an announcement regarding an emergency, please follow the instructions given to you by school personnel. Drills of this nature are practiced with everyone present in the building in order to ensure overall school safety and well-being. BE IN THE KNOW…WEEKLY MESSAGES/FACEBOOK/WEBSITE Information about upcoming events will be posted to the school website and Facebook in addition to being published in the weekly message. Please reference this for special dates of importance to your child. If necessary, the school will send out special notices, so you are informed regarding any changes of events. Make sure your child’s student data forms are up to date to ensure timely delivery of information.
15 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM (ILT) This committee is composed of representatives from each grade level, resource, special area, instructional assistants, guidance, principal, assistant principal and one or two parents. Meetings are held after school in two-hour increments of time. Agendas of meetings are shared with all school personnel before the meetings occur. Minutes of meetings are shared with all school personnel after the meetings are held. During these meetings members review data from formal and informal assessments, attendance data and discipline data. They also refine and develop new goals for the future which are identified in the school action plan. If you are interested in taking part in these meetings, please email Ms. Murray at noting your desire to be considered for the parent representative. PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE This committee serves as a line of communication between Fruitland Primary School and the community. The PAC consists of parent representation for each grade level Pk-2, administration from both schools and a teacher representative from both schools. Meetings are held after school for about an hour alternating between the two schools one time per marking term. The advisory team aims to have a parent for each grade represented. If you are interested in taking part in these meetings, please email Ms. Murray at noting your desire to be considered as the grade level representative. PUBLICITY OPT-OUT FORMS This form is incorporated at the time of registration, please contact the school office if you have questions relating to your student’s publicity status. Publicity incorporates the internet along with the usual media avenues (newspaper, television, and social media). These will be collected and submitted to the office. Students’ photos or video images may be used by the school/district unless a publicity Opt-Out form is signed by a parent and submitted to the school office.
16 SUPPORT STAFF AVAILABLE TO ASSIST YOU OR YOUR CHILD Mrs. Parris Abt Principal Ms. Christina Murray Assistant Principal Mrs. Morgan Powell Office Associate Mrs. Macey Nesmith Office Associate Mrs. Mallory Wainwright School Counselor Ms. Andrea Marshall School Counselor Mrs. Annette Brown School Social Worker Ms. Benita Watson Cafeteria Manager Mrs. Kristin Bradshaw-DiCintio School Nurse Mr. Jacob Oltmann Bookkeeper Ms. Vanessa Whaley Home School Liaison Mr. James Hesen Pupil Personnel Worker Phone: 410.677.5171 Fax: 410.677.5176 Website: Facebook: