Page | 10 In order to keep up with your child’s academic performance, please log into Family Portal. This website will allow you to view your child’s performance on all assignments and current academic standing. The login information is as follows: School Delays There may be delays throughout the school year due to weather conditions such as fog, snow, ice, & etc. Please understand that there is no adult supervision available prior to the delayed openings. Please make plans NOW for delayed openings as scholars cannot wait outside when school is opening late. 90 min. Delay - 10:30 School Opens - No Breakfast Eary Dismissals Periodically school will be dismissed early due to scheduled teacher professional development. On these days, schools dismiss at 12:35 PM. Make arrangements for your scholar to be picked up from school or met at the bus stop at the appropriate time. Lunch will be served on these days. School Openings/ Cancellations Occasionally school must open late, close early or be cancelled. Announcements concerning any changes in the regular school schedules will be made on the Parent Link and the following radio and television stations. WDMV 540 WLVW 960 WJDY 1470 WICO 1320 WDIH 90.3 FM WICO 94 FM WSBY 98 FM (Y99) WKHI 95.9 FM WOCQ 104 FM WQHQ 104.7 FM WOLC 102.5 FM WLVW 105.5 FM WMYJ 106.5 FM WMDT-TV CH47 WBOC-TV CH16 UPN –TV21 Please do not call the school, radio stations or board of education offices regarding these school schedule changes. This only interferes with the speedy dispatch of information. Emergency Information Personal Data/Emergency Information sheets will be sent home by each child on the first day of school. It is imperative that all sheets be returned and fully completed. Username: LastnameFirstInitialLast4 of Social Security Number Password: Scholar’s Lunch Number