Page | 12 continues to receive Title 1 funding, which is based on our poverty rate. SCHOOL SAFETY We promise to prioritize the safety of your child(ren). We have detailed crisis plans and strategies in place to handle emergencies. We maintain a locked facility AT ALL TIMES. Please be patient as we need to assist you as you enter. You will need a driver’s license to obtain a visitor’s pass. All visitors’ names are run through an automated system to ensure only safe individuals gain access to the building. **If at any time you identify an area in which we may improve to ensure your child is safe, please tell the administration immediately. This is a team effort! Inappropriate items will be confiscated until the end of the day or retained by the principal until a parent/guardian can reclaim the item. IN ADDITION TO ITEMS LISTED IN THE CODE OF CONDUCT (I.E. WEAPONS OF ALL TYPES, ETC), THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN SCHOOL Cell Phones (not permitted in elementary schools) Radios, iPods, iPads Electronic Games Lighters, vapes… Utility Tools Skateboards Baseball Bats Water Pistols, Nerf Guns, Cap Guns Toy weapons (knives, guns, swords, etc.) Toys/games (without prior permission) Trading cards, including Pokémon cards *The school will not be responsible for these items and will not investigate if they are lost or stolen. Bus Notes Scholars who come to school by bus should return home the same way, unless they have notes verifying, they are to go home in a different way. These notes should be shown to the bus drivers and given to the children's teachers. Teachers will send these notes to the office in the morning. We do not accept verbal messages from scholars regarding