Page | 14 School Bus Discipline procedures are as follows: 1st offense: Referral to principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal/designee. 2nd offense: Referral to principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal/designee. You will be notified by the school’s administration of the consequence. 3rd offense: Referral to the Board Transportation Office. A conference with supervisor of transportation, parent, scholar, and driver is required. The scholar may not return to the bus until the conference has been held. Parent/Guardians will be notified by the school’s administration of the consequence. 4th offense: Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th offense: Automatic removal for the remainder of the year. Playground Equipment Weather permitting; scholars enjoy a time to release the energy of youth on our school playground each day. Teachers monitor this free play time and enforce the playground rules which are reviewed with the scholars during the first month of school and periodically throughout the year. Behavior expectations: Good sportsmanship must be displayed in all game activities. Body contact games (wrestling, karate, football, tag, etc.) are prohibited. Climbing on the backstop, swing support, and sliding support is prohibited. Playing with or throwing sticks, stones, or dirt is prohibited. There should be no playing in water puddles or wet areas.