Glen Avenue Elementary 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 2 GLEN AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOREWORD The staff of Glen Avenue Elementary School is pleased to have you as a member of our school family, and we hope your time with us is a pleasant and a rewarding experience. This handbook provides information that we think will answer questions you may have about school policies and procedures. We encourage you to read it and file it for future reference. Mission Statement: Glen Avenue School creates a caring school community that provides scholars (our students) with the necessary skills and knowledge to be thoughtful, responsible, and highly productive citizens as well as lifelong learners. Belief Statements: • We believe all scholars have worth, dignity, and leadership capacity. • All scholars deserve a safe, caring, and structured environment that will nurture their creativity, critical thinking, and social skills. • Scholars excel in a positive, scholar-centered climate where problem solving and risk taking are a part of the learning process. • Lifelong learning habits are instilled through accountability and a shared responsibility for the ongoing pursuit of knowledge. • High academic and behavioral expectations will foster confidence in scholars. • Community and family partnerships are vital to support the efforts of committed, dedicated, and well-educated staff. • The most effective learning environment is created when staff is provided with relevant professional development and instruction is driven by evidence-based best practices. Values: • We value the diversity of our scholars’ cultural backgrounds. • We trust, celebrate, and collaborate with colleagues to support curriculum integration and shared expectations across the school. • We honor and encourage creativity and innovation in teaching and learning. • We use a variety of methods to provide meaningful and positive communication with members of our school community. All Glen Avenue students are considered “scholars” with great potential.