Glen Avenue Elementary 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 5 Arrival and Dismissal Times 8:30 -- School opens 8:30 – Scholar drop-off/Walkers enter 9:00 --Instruction begins (WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND SCHOLARS ARRIVE BY 8:45) 3:35 – Scholar dismissal begins Office hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Scholars may not arrive at school before 8:30. Scholars may enter the building when the bell rings at 8:30. Our staff reports at 8:30 and will not be able to provide supervision for your child until the scheduled arrival time. Scholars being delivered to or picked up from school should use the school driveway in the front west side of the school building near the breezeway to the gym. If you prefer to park your car during arrival and dismissal times, we ask that you walk your child to and from the school sidewalk due to the high-level traffic in the car riders’ and bus lanes. Scholars are not to be picked up or dropped off at the main entrance, that area is reserved for the school buses only. If scholars must leave early or go home differently from the way (s) he arrived, a note must be sent to the school. IF A CHILD DOES NOT HAVE A NOTE, THE CHILD WILL BE SENT HOME HIS/HER NORMAL WAY. We appreciate your support in ensuring your child’s safe transport to and from school. Walkers must cross the street on Beaglin Park Drive utilizing our school Crossing Guard who will be on duty during arrival and dismissal times. When entering school property scholars must walk up the dirt lane located on the west side of the school premises. Walkers must arrive between 8:30-8:45 am. They will be dismissed daily at 3:35. As a group, scholars will be escorted off property. Scholars are expected to refuse any gifts or rides offered by strangers. All such incidents should be reported to the office immediately. Late Arrival Scholars who arrive to school after 9:00 a.m. must be signed in by an adult. They must obtain a late slip before going to the classroom. The late slip must be presented to the classroom teacher before being admitted to the class. Early Pick Up If you are picking up your child before 3:35 p.m., please come to the office and your child’s teacher will be called. You will be asked to please wait in the office while we call them for you.