JMB Student Handbook 2024-2025

12 CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES James. M. Bennett High School offers students many opportunities to get involved and be a part of a group. A full list of clubs and advisors can be found in the office and online. Art Club Marching Band and Color Guard Bible Club Math League Chess Club Math Team Clippers Choose Love Muslim Student Club Destination Imagination “Our Earth” - Environmental Club Drama Club/Thespian Science Olympiad Dungeons & Dragons SGA- Student Government Association E-Gaming SMART/ WEB DuBois Honor Society Garden Club Spanish Honor Society Gender/Sexuality Alliance STEM Club JMB Anchors Stock Market Club JMB Memorial Garden Committee WJMB- TV studio Leo Club DRIVING PRIVIEDGES Parking Permits  11th and 12th graders who drive to school MUST HAVE A PARKING PERMIT!  9th and 10th graders are not permitted to park on campus.  Permits will be $15 per school year.  Students may ONLY park in A WING Parking Lot.  Upon arrival to school, all students are to leave their vehicles immediately and wait in the designated areas (ex. Bus Ramp) and will enter through the main entrance of the school.  All school policies apply to students in vehicles on school property and student drivers are responsible for the conduct of their passengers.  Speed limit is 15 mph on school property.  The school is not responsible for articles lost or stolen from vehicles.  Students are not allowed to return to any vehicle during the school day unless an administrator grants permission and accompanies the student.  Failure to follow these regulations may result in the revocation of the parking privilege and additional disciplinary action if warranted. Driving privileges will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.