13 DANCES Dance Criteria The following criteria will be in place for all Wicomico County Public Schools high schools with regard to eligibility to attend all school dances. • GPA – 2.0 requirement per county policy • CONDUCT – no OSS days served during the semester in which the dance occurs in addition to county requirements for exclusion based on cumulative OSS days. • GUESTS – guests must be under the age of 21, must be in good standing with school of attendance or his/her employer. • Students must be present in school on the day of/ or day before the dance (if it does not occur on a school day) in order to attend the dance. • Admission is by ticket only, sold in advance. • Tickets will not be sold at the door. • Students must present School ID to purchase a ticket and all JMB students must show school ID to enter the dance. • Registered guests must present Photo ID to enter the dance. • Dances at the school are never open to the public. Guests must be registered in advance. Unregistered guests will not be admitted. • Parents are always welcome as observers or chaperones at social functions. Please contact the school office if you wish to participate in an event. School Functions Students and guests at school functions must observe expected school behavior. The code of conduct applies to all extra-curricular/co-curricular events at JMB and other schools/functions. Any person appearing to have consumed alcohol and/or drugs prior to entrance to any extracurricular or athletic events will be refused admission. Persons leaving the building during an event may not return. At the end of each event, all persons are to leave promptly. Conduct at all extracurricular activities should reflect courtesy and respect for others and bring honor and credit to our school and ourselves. Conduct unbecoming of our school and in violation of our code of conduct can lead to disciplinary action by administration. Dance Guests Want to bring a guest to a JMB dance? They must be over age 13 (out of middle school) & under age 21. 1. Get the dance guest paperwork from the office. 2. Fill in your information & the information about your guest. 3. If your guest attends another high school, they MUST have the paperwork completed by their school. OR 4. If your guest does not attend a high school, they MUST attach a copy of their driver’s license. 5. Return the paperwork to the Office to have it signed. 6. Please allow at least 24 hours for the Front Office staff to complete it. 7. Bring the completed paperwork with you to purchase your tickets.