2 MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the James M. Bennett High School community to create a safe, supportive, educational environment that fosters the development of literate learners, innovative thinkers and problem solvers who are college and career ready. THE CLIPPER WAY RESPECT Students will: • Respect themselves, each other, and all property to ensure a positive and safe learning environment. • Always display appropriate behavior according to the JMB Handbook. • Cooperate with all school personnel. • Use respectful, appropriate language. • Display cultural humility by respecting all cultures represented at JMB RESPONSIBILITY Students will: • Take responsibility for their actions • Take responsibility for the energy they bring to JMB, recognizing that *Words matter *Behaviors matter *all Students matter • Do what is right when no one is watching READY TO LEARN Students will: • Arrive at school and to every class on time and be ready to work. • Conduct themselves in a manner that allows the teachers to teach, and all students to learn. • Strive for success and believe it is possible. STUDENT CONDUCT Students are to conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times and obey the rules and policies of the JMB and Wicomico County Public Schools as described here and in the WCPS Student Code of Conduct. Specific values have been identified through community consensus to be included in our instruction. Students are encouraged to grow in their academic, social, and personal lives through the following values: COMPASSION – understanding of and sensitivity to others. COURTESY – respectful attitude and willingness to accept a share of the work. FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND ACTION – accepting different views. RESPECT FOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS – refraining from ridiculing, threatening, accusing and spreading rumors about others, including respecting other’s property. HONESTY – being trustworthy and avoiding cheating in any form. CITIZENSHIP – accepting the responsibilities inherent in a democratic society. RESPONSIBILITY – exercising the ability to study options and to make moral and rational decisions even if different from those of my peers. SELF-RESPECT – striving to develop my potential TOLERANCE – respecting others’ rights to choose ways to dress, hairstyle and family mode of living.