5 ATTENDANCE If you arrive after the 7:45am bell…Sign In Sign In at the school store until 9am then in the office for the remainder of the day. If a student arrives to class after 7:45am without signing in, they will be marked absent. If you need to leave before the end of the day…Sign Out Students who need to be excused from school early must bring a signed note from their parent/guardian which includes the student’s full name, the reason for dismissal, and the date and time of dismissal. This note must be turned into the office upon arrival to school. An automated phone call will be made each day that a student is absent or tardy. (Note: this communication is based on the information you provide on the Student Personal Data & Emergency Record form) A Student marked absent from school is NOT permitted to participate in any school related activity that may be taking place that day or evening. These events include athletics, drama, clubs, SGA events, dances, etc. (This does not include absences for approved school functions such as field trips, band/choral performances, AP testing, etc.) A student should never, under any circumstances, leave school during school hours without first obtaining permission from the office or the school nurse. Students who leave school without permission are subject to disciplinary action. Absent Notes A note is required for an excused absence. Such a note would include doctor’s note, court summons, or copy of an obituary from a death in the family. Notes must be submitted within five (5) days after returning to school from absences. Notes from parents may also be submitted for consideration to excuse an absence from school. A maximum of 5 parent notes will be excused per school year. Attendance Intervention A student having 5 or more unexcused absences in a marking term will need to successfully complete an Attendance Intervention Plan or they will fail all courses for that term. See your Administrator for information. Makeup Work Makeup assignments will be accessible in Google Classroom or directly from the teacher. Late Arrival / Early Release Privilege For those juniors and seniors with a 1st or 5th period study hall, who have met all graduation requirements, a “travel” option is available which allows them to arrive later to school or leave early according to their schedule. Information on this is available from Guidance. *Late Arrival “travel” Students MUST sign in at the office upon arrival each day to be counted present. *Early Release “travel” students may NOT remain at school after their last class.