7 STUDENT LIFE Clipper Galley (Cafeteria) Etiquette Breakfast and lunch will be offered to all students at no charge for the 2024-2025 School Year. A la carte items will be available for purchase. You can add money to your student’s account via https://www.mypaymentsplus.com o Food deliveries will NOT be permitted. o Students may NOT leave the campus for lunch. o No food or drink is allowed out of the cafeteria. Hallways Students are expected to be conscientious in their attention to classroom learning and are therefore not excused from the classroom during the class period for any reason without staff approval. Any student with a legitimate reason for being in the hallways during a class period must have an e-hall pass. During the change of classes, students should walk directly to their class and are not permitted to congregate in the halls. We follow a 10/10 rule at JMB. No students are to use the restroom or be in the halls for any reason during the first and last 10 minutes of class. Being to class on time requires that a student must be in his seat ready to start class when the tardy bell rings. Textbooks All textbooks are approved by the Board of Education of Wicomico County and paid for by them from county funds. Teachers may issue them to students who are then responsible for them until they are collected. Students are expected to take good care of the books issued to them. Teachers may assess fines for damaged books and students must pay for lost books. No student may be issued a second book until the payment for the first has been made. Laptops All students will be issued a laptop that is property of Wicomico County Public Schools. Students are responsible for following all points on the “Laptop Loaner Device Agreement” that they receive with the laptop. Lockers Lockers will NOT be utilized during the school year.