JMB Student Handbook 2024-2025

9 ACADEMICS cont. Graduation Requirements The State of Maryland authorizes one diploma for all high school graduates, based upon successful fulfillment of four categories of requirements: • Enrollment • Course Credit • Student Service Learning • Maryland Assessments Please contact your school counselor for further information regarding specific course details. You may also reference the WCPS Course Catalog for 2024-2025 at Service Learning Students are required to have at least 75 hours of Service Learning to graduate. According to the WCPS High School Course Catalog 2024-2025 “the following will count for service-learning credit: service completed without compensation for the student, and which addresses a community need (outside the student’s family) in the student’s school, community, or a non-profit community agency constitutes the action of student service. The components of preparation, action, and reflection are state required components of student service.” *Please contact your guidance counselor with questions about service-learning. Seal of Biliteracy Students can now earn the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy on their diploma by demonstrating proficiency in two (or more) languages. Academic Awards Students may become eligible for an academic award as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. The student must maintain a weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher for consecutive semesters. GPA 1st Award 2nd Award 3rd Award 4th Award 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Certificate- 1 semester of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Academic Letter- 3 consecutive semesters of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Lamp of Knowledge- 5 consecutive semesters of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Star of Excellence- 7 consecutive semesters of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Senior Recognition Outstanding academic performance will be awarded at graduation for those students who achieve the following cumulative GPA throughout their high school career. Cords will be awarded to wear at graduation. Cum Laude Magana Cum Laude Summa cum Laude 3.70 – 3.99 weighted GPA 4.00 – 4.29 weighted GPA 4.30 and above weighted GPA SERVICE LEARNING AWARDS o Laudable Service Award 200 hours o Exemplary Service Award 300 hours o Meritorious Service Award 500 hours *Each receives a certificate and cord for graduation