2 MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the James M. Bennett High School community to create a safe, supportive, educational environment that fosters the development of literate learners, innovative thinkers and problem solvers who are college and career ready. THE CLIPPER WAY RESPECT Students will: • Respect themselves, each other, and all property to ensure a positive and safe learning environment. • Always display appropriate behavior according to the JMB Handbook. • Cooperate with all school personnel. • Use respectful, appropriate language. • Display cultural humility by respecting all cultures represented at JMB RESPONSIBILITY Students will: • Take responsibility for their actions • Take responsibility for the energy they bring to JMB, recognizing that *Words matter *Behaviors matter *all Students matter • Do what is right when no one is watching READY TO LEARN Students will: • Arrive at school and to every class on time and be ready to work. • Conduct themselves in a manner that allows the teachers to teach, and all students to learn. • Strive for success and believe it is possible. STUDENT CONDUCT Students are to conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times and obey the rules and policies of the JMB and Wicomico County Public Schools as described here and in the WCPS Student Code of Conduct. Specific values have been identified through community consensus to be included in our instruction. Students are encouraged to grow in their academic, social, and personal lives through the following values: COMPASSION – understanding of and sensitivity to others. COURTESY – respectful attitude and willingness to accept a share of the work. FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND ACTION – accepting different views. RESPECT FOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS – refraining from ridiculing, threatening, accusing and spreading rumors about others, including respecting other’s property. HONESTY – being trustworthy and avoiding cheating in any form. CITIZENSHIP – accepting the responsibilities inherent in a democratic society. RESPONSIBILITY – exercising the ability to study options and to make moral and rational decisions even if different from those of my peers. SELF-RESPECT – striving to develop my potential TOLERANCE – respecting others’ rights to choose ways to dress, hairstyle and family mode of living.
3 SCHEDULES Regular Bell Schedule School Delays and School Closings You will be notified of school delays and closings via an alert from Wicomico County School’s messaging system. This includes a phone call, email, and text message. (This communication is based on the information you provide on the Student Personal Data & Emergency Record form. Be sure to update that anytime your information changes). You will also find the information on the county website www.wicomicoschools.org, and through the Wicomico County Schools MOBILE APP. When there is a weather delay, we will use the modified schedule below, alternating between the 2 schedules. *ESOL at Schumaker continues with both rotations. Class 1 7:45 – 9:05am Class 2 9:10–10:30am Class 3 FLEX 10:35–11:20am Class 4 • 1st Lunch Shift • 2nd Lunch Shift • 3rd Lunch Shift • 4th Lunch Shift 11:25am-1:20pm 11:25 – 11:50am 11:55 – 12:20 pm 12:25 – 12:50 pm 12:55am -1:20pm Class 5 1:25 – 2:45pm 1st WCPS 90 Minute Weather Delay *No 1st period -No ATEX, JROTC, VPA Delay 7:45 -9:15am No Class 1 Class 2 9:15– 10:30am Class 3-FLEX 10:30– 11:20am Class 4 11:25am -1:25pm Class 5 1:25 – 2:45pm 2nd WCPS 90 Minute Weather Delay *No 2nd period -No AM CTE Delay 7:45 -9:15am Class 1 9:15– 10:30am No Class 2 Class 3-FLEX 10:30– 11:20am Class 4 11:25am -1:25pm Class 5 1:25 – 2:45pm Students may not leave school property or return to their cars once they have arrived at school until the end of their school day. Students are dismissed at 2:45pm. Unless participating in a scheduled afterschool activity, ALL students should be out of the building by 3:00pm. Students staying for an after-school activity, must be with the advisor/teacher/coach. Arrival to School Students eating breakfast at school may enter the cafeteria at 7:20am. All Students enter at 7:35am (unless going to the cafeteria for breakfast)
4 SCHEDULES cont. Mid-Day Release Schedule • No first period programs (ATEX, VPA, or JROTC). *Students who drive may elect to attend. *Students remaining at JMB will report to the cafeteria. • CTE (AM & PM) and Schumaker will operate as usual with the 3-hour dismissal. OFFICE INFORMATION James M. Bennett Main Office number is 410-677-5141 Address: 300 E. College Ave., Salisbury, MD 21804 Our front office staff receive numerous requests each day that involve calling students from their classrooms. To minimize these interruptions to the school day and classroom instruction, we are asking that parents limit the number of times they call school to leave messages or drop off items. Dropping Off Items for A Student When dropping something off for a student, please put the student’s name on it and instruct the student to come to the main office for the item. Students may pick up items between classes or during their lunch. We will not call them from class. Messages For Students Emergency messages from parents will be given to the student at 2:40pm during the afternoon announcement prior to dismissal. Please do not call school and ask our staff to remind students of an appointment or a ride home. Picking A Student Up Please do not call the office asking us to have a child ready. In order to pick up a student, you must present your driver’s license and any adult that signs a student out MUST be on the student’s contact list and present ID. Visitors ALL visitors MUST report to the Front Office and register using a valid ID before going further into the building. Failure to do so could result in prosecution under Maryland School Trespass Law. Visitors must have a visitor’s pass. Please keep in mind that passes will not be issued automatically. Our procedures for visitors are designed to protect the students and staff. Class 1 7:45 – 8:40am Class 2 8:45 – 9:40am Class 3 FLEX No FLEX Class 4 9:45 – 10:40 Class 5 10:45 - 11:45pm Lunch 1 Lunch 2 Lunch 3 Lunch 4 10:45 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:15 11:15 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:45
5 ATTENDANCE If you arrive after the 7:45am bell…Sign In Sign In at the school store until 9am then in the office for the remainder of the day. If a student arrives to class after 7:45am without signing in, they will be marked absent. If you need to leave before the end of the day…Sign Out Students who need to be excused from school early must bring a signed note from their parent/guardian which includes the student’s full name, the reason for dismissal, and the date and time of dismissal. This note must be turned into the office upon arrival to school. An automated phone call will be made each day that a student is absent or tardy. (Note: this communication is based on the information you provide on the Student Personal Data & Emergency Record form) A Student marked absent from school is NOT permitted to participate in any school related activity that may be taking place that day or evening. These events include athletics, drama, clubs, SGA events, dances, etc. (This does not include absences for approved school functions such as field trips, band/choral performances, AP testing, etc.) A student should never, under any circumstances, leave school during school hours without first obtaining permission from the office or the school nurse. Students who leave school without permission are subject to disciplinary action. Absent Notes A note is required for an excused absence. Such a note would include doctor’s note, court summons, or copy of an obituary from a death in the family. Notes must be submitted within five (5) days after returning to school from absences. Notes from parents may also be submitted for consideration to excuse an absence from school. A maximum of 5 parent notes will be excused per school year. Attendance Intervention A student having 5 or more unexcused absences in a marking term will need to successfully complete an Attendance Intervention Plan or they will fail all courses for that term. See your Administrator for information. Makeup Work Makeup assignments will be accessible in Google Classroom or directly from the teacher. Late Arrival / Early Release Privilege For those juniors and seniors with a 1st or 5th period study hall, who have met all graduation requirements, a “travel” option is available which allows them to arrive later to school or leave early according to their schedule. Information on this is available from Guidance. *Late Arrival “travel” Students MUST sign in at the office upon arrival each day to be counted present. *Early Release “travel” students may NOT remain at school after their last class.
6 STUDENT SERVICES Guidance Department ẄẄẄẄẄ410-677-5125 Guidance services include, but are not limited to, assistance with academics, career planning, college applications, scholarships, transcript requests, dual enrollment, and scheduling. Mrs. Malchow – Guidance Secretary Ms. Joudrey – Guidance Assistant Lindsay Meehan - Student Advisor Emily Thompsen - Career Coach Candace Nutter - Community School Coordinator Mr. Dashiell – 9th Grade Ms. Baker/Riggin – 10th-12th Last name A-D Ms. Klaverweiden – 10th-12th Last name E-J Mr. Serig – 10th-12th Last name K-Q Ms. Rosa – 10th-12th Last name R-Z Counseling TBD (Social Worker) Last name A-M Ms. Horseman (Social Worker) Last name N-Z Health Services (Nurse)………………….410-677-5124 Students must have a pass to visit the nurse’s office. If there is a necessity for a student to be sent home, the nurse will inform the parent/guardian and the student will need to be signed out in the Front Office. Please remember that students are NOT permitted to carry any form of medication without having the proper documentation from their physician on file with the school nurse. If it is necessary for a student to take medication during the school day, they will follow the Wicomico County Policy for Administration of Medication guidelines (approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing and reviewed by the Maryland Board of Pharmacy). For more information and any questions contact our school nurses. Media Center All students are encouraged to become life-long learners through regular use of the Media Center. Students have access to electronic reference material and also have the ability to print in the media center. Lost and Found The Lost and Found area is located in the office. Students are welcome to check for lost items between classes and during their lunch shift. The school is not responsible for lost items.
7 STUDENT LIFE Clipper Galley (Cafeteria) Etiquette Breakfast and lunch will be offered to all students at no charge for the 2024-2025 School Year. A la carte items will be available for purchase. You can add money to your student’s account via https://www.mypaymentsplus.com o Food deliveries will NOT be permitted. o Students may NOT leave the campus for lunch. o No food or drink is allowed out of the cafeteria. Hallways Students are expected to be conscientious in their attention to classroom learning and are therefore not excused from the classroom during the class period for any reason without staff approval. Any student with a legitimate reason for being in the hallways during a class period must have an e-hall pass. During the change of classes, students should walk directly to their class and are not permitted to congregate in the halls. We follow a 10/10 rule at JMB. No students are to use the restroom or be in the halls for any reason during the first and last 10 minutes of class. Being to class on time requires that a student must be in his seat ready to start class when the tardy bell rings. Textbooks All textbooks are approved by the Board of Education of Wicomico County and paid for by them from county funds. Teachers may issue them to students who are then responsible for them until they are collected. Students are expected to take good care of the books issued to them. Teachers may assess fines for damaged books and students must pay for lost books. No student may be issued a second book until the payment for the first has been made. Laptops All students will be issued a laptop that is property of Wicomico County Public Schools. Students are responsible for following all points on the “Laptop Loaner Device Agreement” that they receive with the laptop. Lockers Lockers will NOT be utilized during the school year.
8 ACADEMICS Academic Integrity The students, faculty, and staff of the James M. Bennett community are committed to creating an environment of academic integrity and personal character that affirms honesty, responsibility, and effort. We believe that an essential part of education and citizenship is developing a sense of responsibility and fairness by encouraging principled actions. Our goal is to foster the growth of each student's self-respect through academic integrity and ethical behavior and to encourage honest and trustworthy conduct in all curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. Academic Dishonesty {Cheating} Cheating is a form of academic dishonesty in which an individual undermines the legitimacy of an assignment, assessment, or project. Cheating includes but is not limited to the following. copying or paraphrasing all or part of someone else’s work. looking at someone else’s test, quiz or exam while testing. copying from the Internet or other source without crediting the source. allowing others to copy or paraphrase your work. attempting to communicate or receive information during an assessment. submitting another student’s research /work as your own. working together without teacher approval. cheat sheets on paper, your person, etc. asking or paying someone to complete work for you. Misrepresenting or falsifying lab data. using unauthorized electronic devices during an assessment. giving or selling work for someone to submit as their own work. Using purchased or internet summaries rather than reading the text. obtaining/looking at a test before it’s given. Taking pictures of exams or work to distribute to others. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which an individual submits or presents the work of another person as his or her own. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the following: • Quoting or paraphrasing all or part of someone else's written or spoken words without documentation within the body of the work. • Presenting as one’s own, an idea, theory, or formula that is original to another person. • Using information that is not common knowledge without documentation of the source. After School Tutoring Academic tutoring and enrichment opportunities are available after school on selected days. More information about these programs will be made available after the start of the school year. Mid-Term Progress Reports and Report Cards Progress Reports and Report Cards will be available through the family portal at www.aspen.wicomicoschools.org. Printed copies of report cards will be given to students in school and the 4th term report card will be mailed home at the end of the year. Promotion Requirements In order to pass to the next grade, a student must have earned the following minimum credits by the end of the school year. 9th to 10th - 4 credits 10th to 11th - 9 credits 11th to 12th - 14 credits *Credits earned can be found in the bottom right corner of the 4th term report card.
9 ACADEMICS cont. Graduation Requirements The State of Maryland authorizes one diploma for all high school graduates, based upon successful fulfillment of four categories of requirements: • Enrollment • Course Credit • Student Service Learning • Maryland Assessments Please contact your school counselor for further information regarding specific course details. You may also reference the WCPS Course Catalog for 2024-2025 at www.wicomicoschools.org Service Learning Students are required to have at least 75 hours of Service Learning to graduate. According to the WCPS High School Course Catalog 2024-2025 “the following will count for service-learning credit: service completed without compensation for the student, and which addresses a community need (outside the student’s family) in the student’s school, community, or a non-profit community agency constitutes the action of student service. The components of preparation, action, and reflection are state required components of student service.” *Please contact your guidance counselor with questions about service-learning. Seal of Biliteracy Students can now earn the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy on their diploma by demonstrating proficiency in two (or more) languages. Academic Awards Students may become eligible for an academic award as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. The student must maintain a weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher for consecutive semesters. GPA 1st Award 2nd Award 3rd Award 4th Award 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Certificate- 1 semester of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Academic Letter- 3 consecutive semesters of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Lamp of Knowledge- 5 consecutive semesters of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Star of Excellence- 7 consecutive semesters of 3.5 weighted GPA No grade lower than a “C” Senior Recognition Outstanding academic performance will be awarded at graduation for those students who achieve the following cumulative GPA throughout their high school career. Cords will be awarded to wear at graduation. Cum Laude Magana Cum Laude Summa cum Laude 3.70 – 3.99 weighted GPA 4.00 – 4.29 weighted GPA 4.30 and above weighted GPA SERVICE LEARNING AWARDS o Laudable Service Award 200 hours o Exemplary Service Award 300 hours o Meritorious Service Award 500 hours *Each receives a certificate and cord for graduation
10 ATHLETICS Athletics Fall Winter Spring Cheerleading Cross Country Field Hockey Football Golf Soccer (men’s & women’s) Volleyball Unified Tennis Basketball (men’s & women’s) Cheerleading Indoor Track Wrestling Unified Strength & Conditioning Baseball Lacrosse (men’s & women’s) Outdoor Track Softball Tennis Unified Bocce Ball Eligibility (These are the minimum basic requirements for participation in athletics.) Students wishing to try out for an athletic team must have/maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Have an athletic physical dated after June 1, 2024. Completed the online registration: https://app.formreleaf.com/organizations/james-m-bennett-high-school No out-of-school suspensions that would exclude you from extracurricular participation. Students who have received out-of-school suspension from a Wicomico County Public School are not permitted to attend athletic (extracurricular) events for the number of days corresponding to their suspension. OSS 1 to 4 days – may not participate in extracurriculars for 10 days. OSS for 5+ days – may not participate in extracurriculars for 45 days. Tickets Digital Tickets for athletic events will be available through GoFan. Home and visiting team fans MUST purchase tickets online through each high school’s GoFan.co webpage. No Cash will be accepted at the door. 1) Log onto gofan.co 2) Enter the high schoolǽs name. 3) Click on ǿGet Tickets· for the event you wish to attend. *Children 6 and under will be admitted free. Season Passes Season Game passes will be available for individuals or for families. Contact the Office for more information. Fees There are no pay-to-play fees for athletics this year. Social Media Sportsmanship While school rivalries are an important tradition in athletics, it is the expectation of the Clipper Nation that we keep all social media posts regarding athletics positive. Positive posts about our fans and athletes is the best way to demonstrate pride in the Clipper Nation.
11 HONOR SOCIETIES James. M. Bennett High School students have several opportunities to participate in nationally recognized Honor Societies. Honor Societies National Honor Society Membership is an honor bestowed upon a student at an induction ceremony. Selection for membership is by a faculty council and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors (registered in Wicomico County Public Schools for a minimum of one semester) with a cumulative, unweighted GPA of 3.4 at the end of the first semester are academically eligible for consideration. Students who meet the academic criterion will be informed and asked to submit evidence of Service, Leadership, and Character that is then considered by the faculty council. A majority vote-of approval by the faculty council earns a student an invitation to join the National Honor Society. A National Honor Society member who transfers to another school and brings a letter from the former principal or chapter advisor shall be accepted automatically as a member in the new school's chapter. Transfer members must meet the new chapter's standards within one semester in order to retain membership. • National Spanish Honor Society • French National Honor Society • Latin Honor Society (at Parkside) • Mu Alpha Theta (Math) • Science National Honor Society • W.E.B. DeBois Honor Society • National Quill and Scroll Honor Society • National Technical Honor Society (CTE)
12 CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES James. M. Bennett High School offers students many opportunities to get involved and be a part of a group. A full list of clubs and advisors can be found in the office and online. Art Club Marching Band and Color Guard Bible Club Math League Chess Club Math Team Clippers Choose Love Muslim Student Club Destination Imagination “Our Earth” - Environmental Club Drama Club/Thespian Science Olympiad Dungeons & Dragons SGA- Student Government Association E-Gaming SMART/ WEB DuBois Honor Society Garden Club Spanish Honor Society Gender/Sexuality Alliance STEM Club JMB Anchors Stock Market Club JMB Memorial Garden Committee WJMB- TV studio Leo Club DRIVING PRIVIEDGES Parking Permits 11th and 12th graders who drive to school MUST HAVE A PARKING PERMIT! 9th and 10th graders are not permitted to park on campus. Permits will be $15 per school year. Students may ONLY park in A WING Parking Lot. Upon arrival to school, all students are to leave their vehicles immediately and wait in the designated areas (ex. Bus Ramp) and will enter through the main entrance of the school. All school policies apply to students in vehicles on school property and student drivers are responsible for the conduct of their passengers. Speed limit is 15 mph on school property. The school is not responsible for articles lost or stolen from vehicles. Students are not allowed to return to any vehicle during the school day unless an administrator grants permission and accompanies the student. Failure to follow these regulations may result in the revocation of the parking privilege and additional disciplinary action if warranted. Driving privileges will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
13 DANCES Dance Criteria The following criteria will be in place for all Wicomico County Public Schools high schools with regard to eligibility to attend all school dances. • GPA – 2.0 requirement per county policy • CONDUCT – no OSS days served during the semester in which the dance occurs in addition to county requirements for exclusion based on cumulative OSS days. • GUESTS – guests must be under the age of 21, must be in good standing with school of attendance or his/her employer. • Students must be present in school on the day of/ or day before the dance (if it does not occur on a school day) in order to attend the dance. • Admission is by ticket only, sold in advance. • Tickets will not be sold at the door. • Students must present School ID to purchase a ticket and all JMB students must show school ID to enter the dance. • Registered guests must present Photo ID to enter the dance. • Dances at the school are never open to the public. Guests must be registered in advance. Unregistered guests will not be admitted. • Parents are always welcome as observers or chaperones at social functions. Please contact the school office if you wish to participate in an event. School Functions Students and guests at school functions must observe expected school behavior. The code of conduct applies to all extra-curricular/co-curricular events at JMB and other schools/functions. Any person appearing to have consumed alcohol and/or drugs prior to entrance to any extracurricular or athletic events will be refused admission. Persons leaving the building during an event may not return. At the end of each event, all persons are to leave promptly. Conduct at all extracurricular activities should reflect courtesy and respect for others and bring honor and credit to our school and ourselves. Conduct unbecoming of our school and in violation of our code of conduct can lead to disciplinary action by administration. Dance Guests Want to bring a guest to a JMB dance? They must be over age 13 (out of middle school) & under age 21. 1. Get the dance guest paperwork from the office. 2. Fill in your information & the information about your guest. 3. If your guest attends another high school, they MUST have the paperwork completed by their school. OR 4. If your guest does not attend a high school, they MUST attach a copy of their driver’s license. 5. Return the paperwork to the Office to have it signed. 6. Please allow at least 24 hours for the Front Office staff to complete it. 7. Bring the completed paperwork with you to purchase your tickets.
14 JAMES M. BENNETT HIGH SCHOOL ALMA MATER On the city's southern border, rising to the sky, Ever reaching up and onward: James M. Bennett High. We who are thy sons and daughters, long to bring thee fame, Proudly we will ever raise the honor of thy name. Refrain: Loyalty reigns high, as the years go by, Ever reaching up and onward: James M. Bennett High. Long within her walls of crimson, Truths have e're been found, Through her halls where voices echo, love is all around Friendships formed will long remain though years may come and go. Memories of the times we've spent will keep our hearts aglow. Refrain: Loyalty reigns high, as the years go by, Ever reaching up and onward: James M. Bennett High