Mentor Handbook 2022-2023

History Established in 1994, the Wicomico Mentoring Project (WMP) is part of the Student and Family Services Team of the Wicomico County Public Schools. WMP builds foundations for relationships between caring adults and students of the Wicomico County Public School System. Through mentoring, we strive to promote positive role modeling and offer social, emotional and academic support to our students. Mission Our mission is to come together as a community to create a lasting impact on the lives of our students. We believe that through mentoring we can give our students encouragement, guidance, and hope even in their hardest moments. Vision Our vision includes creating an ongoing effect throughout our communities by building up leaders who will go on to make a difference in the future. Our students are our future and it is up to us to show them all they are capable of doing and being. Expectations and Rules  Commit to meeting with your mentee at least one hour a week – consistency is key.  Let a coordinator know if you cannot make your scheduled time to meet with your mentee.  All contact with mentee is restricted to school grounds.  Be a role model.  Confidentiality: Is an ethical concept that implies an explicit promise to reveal nothing about a student except under conditions agreed to by the student. Confidentiality can be waived when the student consents to the disclosure of information, when the student has disclosed a significant part of the information to a third party and when certain circumstances occur: 1. Duty to warn: You are obligated to notify the school principal and/or guidance counselor when a student threatens violence to another person. 2. Threats of Suicide: You are obligated to notify the school principal and/or guidance counselor when a student threatens violence to themselves. 3. Suspected/Reported Child Abuse/Neglect: As a mentor with the Wicomico County Public Schools, you are required to make a report to the Wicomico County Department of Social Services or law enforcement if a child discloses abuse or neglect to you or if you have concerns that a child is being abused or neglected. To make a report during normal business hours, please call 1-800-917-7383. After hours or weekends, please call the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department at 410-548-4891. A mentor… Is… Is not… *A friend *Santa Claus *A guide *A disciplinarian *A listener *Financial support *A resource *A peer *An advocate *A therapist *A coach *A teacher *A positive role model *A parent *A self-esteem builder