Mardela Middle High Student Handbook 2023-2024

5 Time Between Classes There are FIVE MINUTES between classes, which is ample time to get to any location in the school. Students are to move as quickly as possible from one class to the next without running or making excessive noise. Students are not to loiter in the halls, outside, or in the lavatories between classes. Early Dismissal Students needing to leave school early must bring a signed note from their parent/guardian (including the reason for the request & the desired time for dismissal) to the attendance office first thing in the morning. Absences A student absent from school is NOT permitted to participate in any school-related activity that may be taking place that day or evening. Events students would be unable to participate in include athletics, band, choir, drama, clubs, SGA events, class projects, dances, etc. This does not include absences for excused school functions (ex. field trips, band/choral performances, AP testing, etc.). Absent Notes • A note is required for an excused absence. Such a note would include doctor’s note, court summons, or copy of an obituary from a death in the family. • Notes should be submitted within five (5) school days after returning to school from absences. • Notes from parents may also be submitted for consideration to excuse an absence from school. Only 5 parent notes representing 5 days of absence will be accepted per school year. • A written request for vacation must be submitted at a minimum of 10 school days in advance to the principal. If approved, the maximum number of lawful days for family vacations and family trips for any school year may not exceed three (3) days cumulatively. Request for Make-Up Work Homework assignments may be requested by speaking individually to each teacher immediately upon return to the classroom. Students can also find their make-up work in their classes Google Classrooms. What is Truancy? - Missing school has an impact on achievement in school! From the Wicomico County Code of Conduct – “A student is ‘truant’ if she or he is unlawfully absent from school for more than 8 days in any quarter, 15 days in any semester, or 20 days in a school year (Approximately 10%).” • Truant students are subject to disciplinary measures as per the policies of the Wicomico County Public School system. Unless students have a legitimate reason for their absence, students are expected to be in school every day. • A student who reaches 5 or more unexcused absences in a marking term will need to successfully complete an Attendance Intervention Plan, or they will fail all courses for that marking term.