North Salisbury Elementary School 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 10 Equipment Safety: Swings - The following behaviors are encouraged on the swings:  The swings are to be used in a seated position only.  Students are to swing forwards and backwards.  Students are to stand clear of the swings that are in use.  Only one person uses a swing at a time.  Refrain from pushing students on the swings. Sliding Board – Practice the following behaviors:  Only one person may slide at a time.  Sliding in a sitting position is expected.  Use the steps for climbing up the sliding board. SCHOOL CLOSINGS/CANCELLATIONS Occasionally school must open late, close early or be cancelled. Announcements concerning any changes in the regular school schedules will be made from our school messaging system called Thrillshare, the Wicomico County Public Schools’ website (, the WCBOE Facebook page ( and the following radio and television stations. WBOC 102.5 FM WICO 1320 WDIH 90.3 FM WICO 94 FM WSBY 98 FM (Y99) WKHI 95.9 FM WOCQ 104 FM WQHQ 104.7 FM WOLC 102.5 FM WLVW 105.5 FM WMYJ 106.5 FM WMDT-TV CH47 SCHOOL DELAYS There may be delays throughout the school year due to weather conditions such as fog, snow, ice, & etc. Please understand that there is no adult supervision available prior to the delayed openings so we ask that students be brought at the assigned times. All delays will be 90 minutes from the regularly scheduled times. Magnet Traditional 9:15 9:45 SCHOOL MESSENGER AUTOMATED CALLING You may receive messages and alerts from our school messaging system called Thrillshare. STUDENT LUNCHES A nutritional lunch is prepared and served in our cafeteria to ensure that your child will have a daily balanced meal. Milk is served with each platter or can be purchased separately. Ice cream may also be purchased. A lunch menu and prices are sent home by email and posted to Facebook and website each month.