North Salisbury Elementary School 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Page | 9  Check to see if assignments are completed in a neat and conscientious manner  Help when necessary but do not take over the assignment. HOMEWORK FOR ABSENCES For absences of one day, we ask you to let your children get the assignments they miss. Upon returning to school the following day after an absence, teachers will try to get the assignments upon request. Please remember that for most of the day teachers are involved with the direct instruction of students and cannot stop to prepare work. We ask that you make your request for homework before lunch so that teachers have time to get it together for you to pick up at the school office between 2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Also, if you wish to have another student bring the work home for your child, it will be necessary for you to make those arrangements with that child and his/her family. MEDICINE FOR STUDENTS North Salisbury has a full-time nurse on duty. All prescriptions and non-prescription medication must be brought to the school by an adult and dispensed by the school nurse. A doctor’s order for the medication must accompany all medication, including overthe-counter medications, for the nurse to dispense it. Students may not carry medications in school without proper authorization from the school nurse and prescribing physician. A note from the student’s parent is not sufficient for the nurse to dispense either prescription or over-the-counter medication. RECESS/PLAYGROUND EXPECTATIONS Weather permitting; students enjoy a time to release the energy of youth on our school playground each day. Teachers monitor this structured play time and enforce the playground rules which are reviewed with the students during the first month of school and periodically throughout the year. Behavior expectations:  Good sportsmanship must be displayed in all game activities.  Body contact games (wrestling, karate, tackle football, etc.) are prohibited.  Climbing on the backstop, swing support, and sliding support is prohibited.  Playing with or throwing sticks, stones, or dirt is prohibited.  There should be no playing in water puddles or wet areas. Individual Home & School Group PROJECTS In class groups and pairs will be assigned or agreed upon by the teacher. Remember: We are teams and must work together with everyone. Rubrics will be given for the scoring of projects.