member will also notify the parent/guardian in writing concerning the absent student and the impact on the student’s grading. o Upon the fourth (4th) day of unlawful absence of the marking term the parent/guardian will receive a call from the school. The Home School Liaison and/or Student Advisor will also contact the parent/guardian and/or conduct a home visit as necessary. Actions will be recorded in the Attendance Journal. o Upon the fifth (5th) day of an unlawful absence of the marking term, the parent/guardian shall receive notification in writing and the procedure for remediating the absences (Attendance Intervention Plan) with a copy to the Pupil Personnel Worker for the school. The student will be recorded as failing the marking term until such time that the attendance intervention plan is completed. o Please visit the WCBOE Attendance Procedures for information in reference to the 6th-12th days of unlawful absence of the marking term and the truancy reduction program. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS Northwestern students will be welcomed into the building at 8:30 AM each school day (or in case of weather-related delay, one to two hours later). Any student who arrives before 8:30 AM is required to wait outside the front door with a parent/guardian. Arriving at school at the proper time, being well rested, and well-groomed are critical factors to the success of all children. If a student arrives after 9:00 AM, an adult must sign them in at the school office. Students will be given a tardy slip before going to the classroom. DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Dismissal begins at 3:30 PM. When announced, car riders will be dismissed, then students who ride buses. If a student must leave school early or go home differently from the way they arrived at school, a note indicating such changes must be written by the parent/guardian and be given to the teacher in the morning. Any student picked up prior to 3:30 PM will be marked as an early dismissal. For security reasons phone calls cannot be accepted; a written note is required which can be emailed to and faxed (410-677-5850) by 2:30 PM on the day of the desired change. Please include in the note the name of the person, if different from the parent/guardian(s) who will be picking up your child. The adult will be asked to present identification. Children will not be released unless an identification card is shown. CAR RIDER DISMISSAL PROCEDURE To ensure the safety of our students and expedite our car rider dismissal, the follow procedure is in place for students who will be picked up each day as a car rider: 1. The Car Rider Registration form will need to be completed per family (those wishing to pick up their child each day from school). Visit the school office to complete the application. A member of the front office team will contact you for pickup of the car rider tags.