2. Each student designated as a car rider will be given a tag to be attached to their backpack and two car tags will be given to the family. 3. Drivers of vehicles are asked to pull all the way around the circle, near the playground fence, and remain in their car while students are being dismissed. Please note that lines can be long along Sharptown Road. Please be sure to stop by the orange cone near the entrance to the bus ramp. A staff member will release cars to the car rider line as room becomes available. Thank you for helping in ensuring that our buses can enter/exit the line safely. 4. Please greet and assist your child(ren) to your vehicle as quickly as possible. This is a courteous act and assists with expediting car dismissal. 5. If a car tag is not present when picking up your child, the adult will need to come to the Main Office and sign out their child. Please be prepared to present identification. 6. Car riders will exit out the door closest to the playground and will be called out as the car with their designated number pulls up. Staff members will monitor students and see them safely to their car. 7. Any parent/guardian picking up their child prior to 3:30 will need to come to the Main Office to sign their child out. ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Since there is limited space in the drop-off/pick-up area, we are asking for your assistance. When dropping off or picking up your child(ren), please either park in a parking space or pull as far as the end of the sidewalk and the end of the fence by the playground. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS We enjoy every opportunity to celebrate with our students. Birthday treats are permitted in school. However, these treats must be brought to the school office or your child's classroom before their lunch shift. Instructional time will not be used for student parties. Please communicate with your child’s teacher prior to the day your child will bring in the treat. Treats are to be food items that must be purchased from a store (nutrition label visible) and preferably individually wrapped. CLASSROOM VISITATION We encourage parent/guardians to visit their child’s classroom. Visitors must report directly to the school office to obtain a visitor’s pass. A state issued driver’s license or identification card must be used to check into the Raptor System to gain access to the school. You are to visibly display your visitors’ pass throughout the duration of your visit. Please be aware that children preschool age or younger will not be permitted into the instructional areas to avoid disruption to instruction. We also require that no cell phones be used during a classroom visitation. Visitation will need to occur outside of student assessments.