Northwestern Elementary School Student Handbook 2024-2025 Principal: Mrs. Alexan Dargan Assistant Principal: Mrs. Kaytlin Curren M 9 a 9 r P7 d h 5 e o l S an h e S a : p r 4 r p i 1 t n 0 o g w .6 s, n 7 M 7 R D.5 o 8 a 2 d 0 1 8 8 37 Fax: 410.677.5850 Website: Facebook: Page | 1
Welcome to Northwestern Elementary School! The staff at Northwestern Elementary School is pleased to have you as a member of our school family. Your time with us will be a pleasant and a rewarding experience. This handbook provides information that will answer questions you may have about school policies and procedures. We encourage you to read it and to file it for future reference. Northwestern Elementary Motto: “We educate the mind and heart of our Northwestern students!” What will we do to achieve this? “Aim for what you love, and success will follow!” Our mission, in partnership with the home and community, is to prepare students to become lifelong learners and self-sufficient citizens in a safe, orderly environment. Vision: Northwestern will be known as an award- winning school, recognized for its school and community partnership, and facility, which has high expectations for all students. Belief Statements We believe that: • Student learning is the chief priority for our school. • Students' learning needs are the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of our school. • Students will demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills, apply their learning in meaningful contexts, and be actively engaged in the learning process. • Students learn in different ways and will be provided with a variety of instructional approaches and opportunities for success. • Each student will be treated as a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. Values: • Establish and maintain high expectations for our students and staff. • Provide a student-centered atmosphere that will empower all learners to achieve their highest potential. • Develop and maintain positive relationships within our school community through collaboration and teamwork. • Foster learning by establishing differentiated goals for students to reach his or her highest potential. • Promote a positive and respectful environment throughout our learning community. Northwestern School Code At Northwestern Elementary, we aim to: • Be prepared. • Be respectful. • Celebrate each other!
SCHOOL HOURS School Building Opens 8:30 AM Instruction Begins 9:00 AM Afternoon Announcements 3:28 PM Car Rider Dismissal Begins 3:30 PM Bus Dismissal Begins 3:30 PM School Building Closes 4:00 PM ATTENDANCE Regular and prompt attendance is necessary for a student to maintain satisfactory progress. According to Maryland law, it is the parent/guardian's responsibility for their children to attend school. Excessive absences and tardiness from school are detrimental to the educational process. Please visit the Attendance Policy and the Attendance Procedure on the WCBOE website. Please note the following important information about attendance: • Students who have more than 5 unexcused absences in a marking term must successfully complete an attendance intervention plan to avoid failing the marking term. • To be given consideration, a written request form for vacation must be submitted at a minimum of 10 days in advance to the principal/designee. If approved, the maximum number of lawful days for family vacations and family trips for any school year must not exceed three (3) days. Such absences may not occur during exams or state-mandated testing periods unless authorized by the principal/designee. • A student is counted as present for a full day if the student is in attendance for 4 hours or more of the school day. A student is counted as present for a ½ day if the student is in attendance for at least 2 hours of the school day, but less than 4 hours. • The parent/guardian must submit the written explanation within five school days of the student’s return to school from an absence. This written explanation does not constitute the basis for a lawful absence but can be used to assist in the determination process. Parents/guardians will be informed if the absence is determined to be unexcused/unlawful. Written explanations submitted beyond 5 school days from the student’s return to school will be placed in the student’s attendance file, however the absence will be coded as unlawful. o At every school level, an automated call system will be utilized to make parent/guardian aware of daily student absences. o On the first (1st) day of unlawful absence of the marking term, the parent/guardian will receive a call from the school. o On the second (2nd) day of unlawful absence of the marking term, the parent/guardian will receive a call from the school and a conference will be held with the student upon return to school. o Upon the third (3rd) day of unlawful absence of the marking term, the parent/guardian will receive a call from the school. The designated school staff
member will also notify the parent/guardian in writing concerning the absent student and the impact on the student’s grading. o Upon the fourth (4th) day of unlawful absence of the marking term the parent/guardian will receive a call from the school. The Home School Liaison and/or Student Advisor will also contact the parent/guardian and/or conduct a home visit as necessary. Actions will be recorded in the Attendance Journal. o Upon the fifth (5th) day of an unlawful absence of the marking term, the parent/guardian shall receive notification in writing and the procedure for remediating the absences (Attendance Intervention Plan) with a copy to the Pupil Personnel Worker for the school. The student will be recorded as failing the marking term until such time that the attendance intervention plan is completed. o Please visit the WCBOE Attendance Procedures for information in reference to the 6th-12th days of unlawful absence of the marking term and the truancy reduction program. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS Northwestern students will be welcomed into the building at 8:30 AM each school day (or in case of weather-related delay, one to two hours later). Any student who arrives before 8:30 AM is required to wait outside the front door with a parent/guardian. Arriving at school at the proper time, being well rested, and well-groomed are critical factors to the success of all children. If a student arrives after 9:00 AM, an adult must sign them in at the school office. Students will be given a tardy slip before going to the classroom. DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Dismissal begins at 3:30 PM. When announced, car riders will be dismissed, then students who ride buses. If a student must leave school early or go home differently from the way they arrived at school, a note indicating such changes must be written by the parent/guardian and be given to the teacher in the morning. Any student picked up prior to 3:30 PM will be marked as an early dismissal. For security reasons phone calls cannot be accepted; a written note is required which can be emailed to and faxed (410-677-5850) by 2:30 PM on the day of the desired change. Please include in the note the name of the person, if different from the parent/guardian(s) who will be picking up your child. The adult will be asked to present identification. Children will not be released unless an identification card is shown. CAR RIDER DISMISSAL PROCEDURE To ensure the safety of our students and expedite our car rider dismissal, the follow procedure is in place for students who will be picked up each day as a car rider: 1. The Car Rider Registration form will need to be completed per family (those wishing to pick up their child each day from school). Visit the school office to complete the application. A member of the front office team will contact you for pickup of the car rider tags.
2. Each student designated as a car rider will be given a tag to be attached to their backpack and two car tags will be given to the family. 3. Drivers of vehicles are asked to pull all the way around the circle, near the playground fence, and remain in their car while students are being dismissed. Please note that lines can be long along Sharptown Road. Please be sure to stop by the orange cone near the entrance to the bus ramp. A staff member will release cars to the car rider line as room becomes available. Thank you for helping in ensuring that our buses can enter/exit the line safely. 4. Please greet and assist your child(ren) to your vehicle as quickly as possible. This is a courteous act and assists with expediting car dismissal. 5. If a car tag is not present when picking up your child, the adult will need to come to the Main Office and sign out their child. Please be prepared to present identification. 6. Car riders will exit out the door closest to the playground and will be called out as the car with their designated number pulls up. Staff members will monitor students and see them safely to their car. 7. Any parent/guardian picking up their child prior to 3:30 will need to come to the Main Office to sign their child out. ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Since there is limited space in the drop-off/pick-up area, we are asking for your assistance. When dropping off or picking up your child(ren), please either park in a parking space or pull as far as the end of the sidewalk and the end of the fence by the playground. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS We enjoy every opportunity to celebrate with our students. Birthday treats are permitted in school. However, these treats must be brought to the school office or your child's classroom before their lunch shift. Instructional time will not be used for student parties. Please communicate with your child’s teacher prior to the day your child will bring in the treat. Treats are to be food items that must be purchased from a store (nutrition label visible) and preferably individually wrapped. CLASSROOM VISITATION We encourage parent/guardians to visit their child’s classroom. Visitors must report directly to the school office to obtain a visitor’s pass. A state issued driver’s license or identification card must be used to check into the Raptor System to gain access to the school. You are to visibly display your visitors’ pass throughout the duration of your visit. Please be aware that children preschool age or younger will not be permitted into the instructional areas to avoid disruption to instruction. We also require that no cell phones be used during a classroom visitation. Visitation will need to occur outside of student assessments.
DISCIPLINE Each staff member at Northwestern Elementary School accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and for the promotion of a program for the development of wholesome human relations. A student’s behavior should conform to acceptable standards of conduct as established by the Wicomico County Board of Education, administration, and teachers. Please visit the Wicomico County Board of Education’s website, under Student Code of Conduct Policy and Procedure for more information. SCHOOL RULES • Walk in hallways with quiet voices. • Toys, balls, radios, cellphones, iPod, video games, etc. are not allowed in school unless they are being used as a part of classroom instruction with teacher permission. • Inappropriate language, comments, or teasing is not permitted. • Good manners should be used throughout the building with adults and students. • No physical contact, “play fighting”, or bullying is permitted and are in violation of the Wicomico County Board of Education Discipline Policy. • Please visit the Wicomico County Board of Education’s website, under Student Code of Conduct Policy and Procedure for more information. EDUCATIONAL FIELD TRIPS Properly supervised and planned educational field trips are an important part of the instructional program. Field trips are taken at the discretion of the teachers at each grade level and must be curriculum oriented with specific objectives taught prior to the trip and appropriate extension activities conducted after the trip. Questions about trips should be directed to the sponsoring field trip teacher. A signed permission slip from a parent/guardian is required for all field trips. FIRE & CRISIS DRILLS Practice fire and safety drills are conducted during the first weeks of school and at any other times deemed necessary. Unannounced drills are conducted on a regular basis throughout the year. If you are in the school when a fire bell rings or an announcement regarding a code is made, please follow the instructions given to you by school personnel. Drills of this nature are practiced with the children and staff to ensure their safety and well-being. LUNCH ACCOUNTS Under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) has extended the free breakfast and lunch program for all students. Students may elect to either bring their lunch from home or receive a free breakfast and/or lunch. Kindly avoid including soda in packed lunches for school.
MEDICATION POLICY All prescriptions, over the counter, homeopathic, and herbal medications to be given at school must be accompanied by a signed doctor’s order. The original prescription container must accompany all medications. Medications MUST be brought to school by the parent/guardian or responsible adult. Children are NOT permitted to transport medications. Children are also not permitted to keep medication in their possession during the school day. This includes cough drops, medicated lotions, etc. NEWSLETTER A newsletter will be available electronically through NWE’s website and TalkingPoints at the end of each month for the upcoming month. Please review this information to be aware of important news and upcoming events for the month. You will notice that the newsletter contains a calendar that shares all the monthly events that will be held at the school. If necessary, the school will send out special notices, so you are well informed regarding any changes to the outlined schedule. FAMILY PORTAL Parent/guardians of 1st through 5th grade students can access “real time” information regarding their child’s grades and attendance through the Family Portal. Parent/guardians can access the Family Portal through a specific ID number. Please visit the Wicomico County Public Schools website on how to access the Family Portal. Lost or forgotten login information can be obtained by emailing This information will not be given out by phone. REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS Report Cards and Progress Reports are available on the Family Portal. A request for conference is indicated on the report card by the teacher. Taking time to review your child's progress report and report card is beneficial. Celebrate their successes and set goals for improvement in their areas of need. Always feel free to contact your child's teacher to seek opportunities and materials to help your child find success. PARENT/GUARDIAN-TEACHER COMMUNICATION The relationship between parent/guardians and teachers is important to the success of your child. Maintaining a positive, open line of communication is essential to facilitating common expectations between home and school. All teachers have been encouraged to contact parents/guardians frequently by phone, TalkingPoints, or email. At the beginning of the school year, please share with your child's teacher the most efficient way to contact you. Please feel free to contact the classroom teacher to address any concerns that you may have regarding
your child's success in school. Remember that even though you and your child's teacher may not always agree, both parties are committed to your child's success. RACE TO READ –READING INCENTIVE PROGRAM The Northwestern Reading Incentive program is a voluntary program for students in grades PreKindergarten-5. Students are encouraged to read for at least 20 minutes each day/night. There are incentives for students who meet the goal! SCHOOL MESSENGER (Thrillshare) Our school messaging system is used to alert parents/guardians of upcoming events within our school and contact families when children are absent. Please share with the office, in writing, the phone number that should receive all school messaging calls. Phone numbers must be accurate to receive the message. Messages will be sent on a weekly basis each Sunday evening at approximately 5:00 PM. This message will outline the upcoming week's schedule and highlight any important information. School messaging will also be utilized in the event of any inclement weather or emergency impacting your child.