Pittsville Student Handbook 2024-2025

2 School Mission Statement The mission of Pittsville Elementary and Middle School is to provide all students with a variety of learning experiences, which will enable them to become confident, self- directed, lifelong learners. ATTENDANCE It is imperative that children arrive at school on time. Pittsville students should arrive NO LATER THAN 7:50 AM so that they are seated prior to the late bell at 7:55 AM. Students not seated in class at 7:55 will be recorded as Tardy to school. We know that there are circumstances that may cause late arrival on occasion; however, a lateness requires a Dr. note to be considered excused. Attendance will be documented daily. A student missing 5 or more unexcused days during a marking term is considered chronically absent and will be required to complete an attendance intervention plan. For an absence to be excused, it must meet the criteria of a lawful absence. A doctor’s note should be sent when a student is absent from school due to illness. A parent note documenting an absence due to an illness that does not require a doctor’s visit will be accepted and excused for up to 5 days per year. *Please know that unexcused absences from school may prevent your student from meeting eligibility requirements to participate in PBIS activities and other school incentives. TARDINESS Tardiness is documented in two (2) categories – lateness to class and lateness to school. Students are expected to report to class on time, be seated and wait for class to begin. If a student is late to class, the teacher will document the lateness and consequences will be issued according to county policy as indicated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. Repeated unexcused lateness to school will be addressed in accordance with the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. *Please know that unexcused tardiness to school may prevent your student from meeting eligibility requirements to participate in PBIS activities and other school incentives. EARLY DISMISSAL REQUESTS If a student needs to leave school before the end of the day, a note must be provided to the student's teacher in the morning indicating the time of anticipated dismissal and the reason for the early departure. Students will be called to the office when the parent arrives to sign out the student. Students will not be called early as this causes an unnecessary loss of instructional time while waiting in the office. Early dismissals are recorded and tracked through our attendance procedures. Early dismissals require a Dr. note or other valid documentation to be considered excused. *Please know that unexcused early dismissals may prevent your student from meeting eligibility requirements to participate in PBIS activities and other school incentives. TRANSPORTATION A note from the parent must be given to the main office if your child is to take a different mode (car rider vs. bus rider) of transportation on a particular day. Phone calls regarding a change of transportation will be honored for emergencies only. Please note that students may not request to ride a bus different from their assigned bus. IF A CHILD DOES NOT HAVE A NOTE, THE CHILD WILL BE SENT HOME HIS/HER NORMAL WAY.