Mission and Vision Statements: Mission Statement: Pemberton Elementary School’s mission is to create a positive, safe learning environment where each child will become a lifelong learner. Belief Statements: ● Quality instruction will be generated through data analysis, grade level team meetings, co-teaching, and professional development. ● Quality instruction provides a variety of opportunities for students to engage in the learning process. ● We will embrace each child’s learning style and equip them to reach their full potential. ● We will continue to foster a connected and caring community focused on building positive, trusting relationships. ● Pemberton Elementary will continue to be active with the Judy Center Partnership, faith-based partners, Salisbury University, and other outside community agencies. Values: ● Developmentally appropriate practices incorporated within quality instruction ● Parental and community involvement and input ● Student growth driven by data analysis ● Ongoing, consistent student attendance ● Demonstration of citizenship through social, emotional growth and building trusting relationships Pemberton School Code Pandas show their Panda Pride by: BeingKing BeingSafe Being Responsible