Pemberton 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Carpool & Walker Tags All families are encouraged to enroll in the Pemberton Tag Program. Applications have been sent home with student placement letters. Families picking their children up or dropping off either on Ellegood Dr. or the Pemberton Apartment gate sides of the building will be required to display their tag daily. As a reminder, any Walker in Y3, PK, K and 1st grade must be picked up by a designated adult as indicated on the Red Walker Form. Students will be matched based upon the Pemberton Tag Number assigned to your family for their safety. Additional tags may be requested for five dollars. If a tag is lost, replacements will cost five dollars. Arrival of Students Students may not arrive at school prior to the entry time stated above since no adults are available to provide supervision. If a student arrives after 8:45 a.m., an adult must sign them in at the school Front Office. Students will be given a tardy slip before going to the classroom. Arrival and Dismissal from School It is recommended that families dropping off their students use the Ellegood traffic circle (Carpool). Drivers remain in the car while the student exits on the right-hand side directly on to the sidewalk. If you wish to walk your child into school, please park in the front lot and enter through the main doors. Dismissal of Students/Notes Dismissal begins at 3:15 p.m. When announced, car riders will be dismissed to the B Wing for Carpool dismissal and Walkers will be dismissed to the F Wing doors. Bus students will then be called as they arrive on the property. If a student must leave school early or go home differently from the way they arrived at school, a note indicating such changes must be written by the parent and given to the teacher in the morning. For security reasons phone calls cannot be accepted, a written note is required which can include email to our front office staff or a fax (410-677-5848) by noon on the day of the desired change. Attendance Policy Full-day Pre-K 3 through Grade 5: A student is counted as present for a full day if the student is in attendance for 4 hours or more of the school day. A student is counted as present for a ½ day if the student is in attendance for at least 2 hours of the school day, but less than 4 hours.