Pemberton 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Lunch Accounts Each student will be given a specific lunch ID that will be used when purchasing lunch. Parents are permitted to put money on their child’s account at any time throughout the year. When sending in a check, please make it out to Pemberton Elementary School and include the student’s lunch ID number in the memo. Birthday treats will need to be store bought and sealed in their original packaging; birthday treats will be consumed at a time suitable for the schedule at the teacher’s discretion as it may not be possible to consume these treats during your child’s scheduled lunch shift. Due to limited spacing within the cafeteria, we request visits to be scheduled prior to and following your child’s assigned lunch time. See additional information under Classroom Visitation of the Pemberton Student Handbook. Educational Field Trips Properly supervised and planned educational field trips are an important part of the instructional program. A signed permission slip from a parent or guardian is required for all field trips. Please note if Chaperones are needed on your child’s permission slip; all Chaperones must be approved and provide payment upon being selected prior to the field trip. Medication Policy All prescription, over the counter, homeopathic, and herbal medications to be given at school must be accompanied by a signed doctor’s order. The original prescription container should accompany all medications. Medications MUST be brought to school by the parent or responsible adult. Children are NOT permitted to transport medications. Children are also not permitted to keep medication in their possession during the school day. This includes cough drops, medicated lotions, sunscreen, etc. Emergency Information Personal Data/Emergency Information sheets will be sent home by each child at the beginning of the school year. It is imperative that all sheets be returned and fully completed. Emergency situations can arise rather frequently in a school. For your child’s health and safety, it is CRITICAL that we have CURRENT emergency contact information. Please remember that it is imperative that a new sheet be completed with each family/household change. In addition, a new proof of residency must be submitted with every residential move.