Pinehurst Student Handbook 2024-2025

MEALS Free/Reduced Lunch Applications- Free and reduced lunches are available for eligible children. Application forms are sent home each September and may be obtained from the school office during the school year. Even if you are not eligible for this service, please fill out or cross through the form, sign it, and have your child return it to school. This is essential that we have a response from each of our family households in order to secure adequate Title I Funding. MMFA Schoolwide Breakfast- Pinehurst participates in the MMFA schoolwide free breakfast program. Breakfast will be provided in the classroom each morning. Breakfast will be available daily until 8:45a.m. Lunch at School A nutritional lunch is prepared and served in our cafeteria to ensure that your child will have a daily balanced meal. All students are encouraged to participate in the lunch program as a part of our emphasis on proper nutrition. Milk is served with each platter or can be purchased separately. Ice cream and snacks may also be purchased for students in grades PreK to 5. A lunch menu and prices are sent home monthly. Pinehurst will continue to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the upcoming school year. Therefore, lunch will be free for all students. This program was authorized by Congress as a part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. NURSE INFORMATION Good health helps to ensure your child's regular attendance and good performance at school. Please inform your child's teacher of any physical condition that might affect his/her performance. Do not send your child to school if he/she is running a temperature or feeling very ill. If an injury occurs away from school, please have it treated before sending your child to school. We have a school nurse at Pinehurst every day. The school health services include vision and hearing screening for all Prekindergartners, Second Graders, children new to our county, and children referred to the nurse by teachers or parents. If an abnormality in either of these areas is detected, parents are notified. In case of sudden illness or accidents at school, first aid is administered by the school nurse or other designated persons. Parents are called when the situation requires attention beyond the services provided by the school. If parents cannot be reached and emergency services are required, we will call 911 for assistance. If a student is sent home with a fever by the school nurse, they must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning. Medication All prescriptions and all non-prescription medications that are given during school hours require a physician's medication form signed by a doctor. This includes cough drops, cough syrup, aspirin, etc. A responsible adult MUST bring all medication to school in the original container. Children are NOT to transport medications to or from school. Children are also not to keep medication in their possession during the school day. If you have any concern regarding this policy, please contact the school nurse.