TRANSPORTATION & ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Car Rider Tags Parents/guardians of car riders will be required to display their car rider tags when entering the pick-up line. If you do not have your tag, you will be required to provide an ID. Car rider tags will only be assigned to those students that will be picked up daily. Tags are available in our front office. County School Bus Discipline Policy Students who fail to abide by the bus rules will be disciplined. Bus drivers have the right to suspend a student from riding the bus for a period of one day. The school administration team may suspend students for additional days. Parents will be notified of suspensions before they go into effect. The School Bus Discipline Policy is as follows: 1st Offense: Referral to the Administrative Office. Discipline at the discretion of the bus driver. The bus driver is to contact the parents/guardians of their concerns before suspending a child from the bus. 2nd Offense: Referral to the Administrative Office. Discipline at the discretion of the driver of the bus. The second offense may warrant a bus suspension. 3rd Offense: Referral to the Transportation Office. Conferences will be held with the Supervisor of Transportation, parent/guardian, and student (and driver if deemed necessary). The student will be removed from the bus until a satisfactory conference is held. At this conference, a decision will be made as to how long the student will remain off the bus. 4th Offense: Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th Offense: Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year. Safety Hints for School Bus Riders Students should: 1. Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is due to arrive. 2. Wait in a line away from traffic until the bus comes to a complete stop. 3. Cross the road to get to or from the bus, be sure you can see your driver's face. If you cannot see your driver's face, your driver cannot see you. 4. Wait until all traffic has stopped in both directions before crossing the road. 5. Speak quietly and behave in an orderly manner on the bus so your driver can pay attention and drive the bus safely. 6. Keep your head, hands, and arms inside the bus. 7. Stay in your seat until the bus has come to a complete stop. 8. Pick up dropped objects when getting on the bus, tell the bus driver. Wait until the bus driver says that it is safe to pick it up. Remember, books and papers can be replaced-you cannot. 9. Before getting off the bus, be sure all belongings are in your book bag, so you don't drop anything. 10. Always go straight home when you get off the bus. Prepared by the MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Transportation Changes If a change of transportation is needed, parents/guardians must contact our school office. We ask that all communication occurs in a timely manner to ensure that your child is dismissed properly. All changes in transportation must be received in writing. Verbal confirmation will not be approved. You may choose to write a handwritten note or e-mail us at