Pinehurst Student Handbook 2024-2025

UNACCOUNTED FOR ITEMS Our Lost and Found grows very quickly throughout the school year. Found items are frequently posted on our school feed on ClassDojo. Please make sure you contact your child’s teacher if something is missing so that your child can have the opportunity to look in our Lost and Found. Please consider being proactive by writing your child’s name on jackets, lunchboxes, and any other belongings that may get left behind during transitions. At the end of each marking period, clothing that is not claimed is donated to a local charity. TRANSPORTATION & ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Arrival of Students School doors are unlocked for students to enter at 8:15 a.m. each school day (or in case of weather-related delay, one to two hours later). For the safety of your child, please see that they do not arrive before 8:15 a.m. All students on campus must be under the supervision of an adult, which is not possible to 8:15a.m. Arriving at school at the proper time, being well rested and well-groomed are critical factors to the success of all children.  Bus Riders – will arrive and enter on the Evergreen Avenue side of the building.  Car Riders – will arrive and enter on the Mayfield Avenue side of the building.  Walkers/Bike Riders – will arrive and enter the school on the South Pinehurst Avenue side of the building. Dismissal of Students Dismissal will begin promptly at 3:15p.m. To ensure that our dismissal occurs in a seamless manner, students will be dismissed from the following locations and the following procedures must be adhered to:  Bus Riders – an orderly dismissal process will direct your child to the Evergreen Avenue side of the building as your child’s bus arrives.  Car Riders – will enter the car rider lane from Mayfield Avenue. All parents/guardians MUST secure and display a car rider tag on the rear facing mirror to pick up their child. Parents or guardians must remain in their cars as students are being dismissed. Students will not be dismissed to individuals leaving their cars to pick up his/her child at the front entrance. Procedures must be followed to ensure the safety of our students. If a student is getting picked up and there is not a car tag number displayed, the driver needs to have their license available to be crosschecked with the student(s) contact list. If the person picking up the child is not on the list, the parent must provide a written note of the person authorized for pickup. An email should be sent to  Walkers/Bike Riders –will exit the building through the door located to the right on the South Pinehurst Avenue side of the building. Parents/Guardians of all scholars in Prekindergarten-Second grade must be on site for your scholar to be released. Scholars in grades 3-5 will be walked off campus by a staff member and will be expected to cross at the crossing guard.