Pinehurst Student Handbook 2024-2025

VISITATION & VOLUNTEERS Visitors and class volunteers must report directly to the school office to obtain a Visitor’s Pass. A state issued driver’s license or identification card must be used to check into the Raptor Security System to gain access to the school. You are to wear the visitor’s pass throughout the duration of your visit. We encourage you to visit/volunteer in your child’s classroom. Please contact your student’s teacher to inquire about volunteer opportunities within the classroom. Only those on the student’s contact list will be permitted into the building unless contact is made with the office staff by the parent/guardian giving permission for other personnel. Please be aware that children preschool age or younger will not be permitted into the instructional areas to avoid disruption to instruction. WHAT YOUR CHILD’S DAY LOOKS LIKE Six Day Calendar Rotation Schools in Wicomico County are scheduled on a six-day rotation schedule. Therefore, the first day of school will be A-day. The last letter day in the cycle rotation is F-day. This progression continues throughout the school year. If the last day students attended before a holiday was C-Day; it will be a D-day when they return. Your child's teacher will send home information during the first week of school that will inform you about which days your child has special area classes such as gym, art, music, and media. This will allow you to know which days your student will need to wear proper footwear for gym. Your scholar will participate in the following courses daily:  ELA  Math  Science (Grades K-2 during Terms 2 & 4)  Social Studies (Grades K-2 during Terms 1 & 3) X2/FAMILY PORTAL In order to keep up with your child’s academic performance, please log into Family Portal. This website will allow you to view your child’s performance on all assignments and current academic standing. The login information is as follows:  Username o LastNameFirstInitialLast4ofSocialSecurityNumber o EX: John Doe 3748= DoeJ3748  Password o Scholar’s Lunch Number We encourage you to not change the password as many times families get locked out of the system. If needed, please call the office for assistance with regaining access.