Pinehurst Student Handbook 2024-2025

YOU’RE INVITED (TITLE 1 & PAC) Title 1 Twice a year Pinehurst holds family reading and math nights. The goals of these nights are to reinforce skills currently being taught in the classroom. This is achieved by using games, manipulatives and family participation. Each family receives materials to take home to continue to help their child master these skills. In addition, dinner is served. Transportation and interpreters are provided upon request. PAC Pinehurst Elementary School Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings are held twice a year at convenient times to inform parents of the school’s role and requirements in implementing Title 1 and the right of parents to be involved. Title I families, Title I Family Engagement Specialist, Supervisor of Title I, and teachers are invited. The following topics are discussed and reviewed at the PAC meetings: Title I Family Engagement Plan, family engagement budget, student data, State Curriculum, State and local assessments, Partners in Learning Compact, and family engagement activities. Parents are involved in the decisions regarding the spending of the parent involvement funds. Families may also provide input on professional development for teachers as it relates to understanding the school community and family engagement. ZEST FOR LEARNING Our Pinehurst staff has great enthusiasm and energy when it comes to academic, behavioral, and social support. We are excited that you are a part of our family and encourage you to find ways to be an active participant in our daily happenings. Please know that we are only a phone call away. At Pinehurst, we are here to ensure every child gets the best possible education. Please know that you have the following support staff to help you! Mrs. Chelsea Seabrease, Principal Mrs. Madison O’Donnell, Assistant Principal Ms. Jennifer Hill, Dean of Students Mr. Oliver Johnson, Guidance Counselor Mrs. Beth Pistilli, Student Advisor Mrs. Dawn Fleming, Social Worker Ms. Linda Mullen, P.P.W Ms. Sharon Morris, Home School Liaison Ms. Erica Schlorb, Community Coordinator Mrs. Michelle Moyle, Nurse Mrs. Irvine Taylor, CNA Mrs. Jodi Moore, Title I Liaison