PINEHURST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The staff at Pinehurst Elementary School is pleased to have you as a member of our school family, and we hope that your time with us will be a pleasant and a rewarding experience. This handbook provides information that will answer questions you may have about school policies and procedures. We encourage you to read it and file it for future reference. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Pinehurst School is to create a learning community where all students are celebrated for their individual diversity and academic success. All stakeholders will contribute to the learning environment that fosters high academic achievement, positive social/emotional growth which will prepare the individual child in becoming college and career ready. BELIEF STATEMENTS We believe: All students have the right to learn, and all teachers have the right to teach in a safe and comfortable environment. Our school community must be valued and treated with respect. All students and staff must accept responsibility for their behavior and the choices they make and behave in a way teaching, and learning can occur. Our school encourages students to become confident, self-directed, life-long learners. Instruction must be aligned with the goals and expectations for student learning. Individual integrity, tolerance and respect for others must be taught, modeled, expected, and acknowledged in all areas of our school and in the students’ life. Foster partnerships with families, businesses, and the community. **Additional WCPS policies and procedures are available at