Pinehurst Student Handbook 2024-2025

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS & CLASS TREATS Our Pinehurst staff enjoy every opportunity to celebrate our children. Birthday treats and other items for class celebrations are permitted in school. If you are bringing in something for a birthday celebration, please bring these treats to the school office before your child’s lunch shift. This will assist us with making sure instructional time is not impacted. Additionally, you may only bring food items that have been purchased from a store and contain the ingredients label. Since some students may experience food allergies, items prepared at home are not allowed to be served in classrooms. COMMUNICATION At Pinehurst, we have multiple ways of keeping in touch with our parents and guardians. Below is a list of how you can stay connected: School Messenger: Our School Messenger system is used to outline the upcoming week’s schedule, highlight important information, alert parents of upcoming events within our school, and contact families when children are absent. Messages will be sent on a weekly basis each Sunday evening at approximately 5:00 p.m. Please share with the office the phone number that should receive all School Messenger calls. Phone numbers must be accurate to receive the message. School Messenger will also be utilized in the event of any inclement weather or emergency impacting your child. Student Agenda: All students are required to use a student agenda that is provided by the school. Students will record their daily homework in the agenda each day and teachers will use the agenda to communicate with parents. Please incorporate the review of the agenda in your evening routines. If a note is written to the teacher in the agenda, please remind your student to show the teacher or reach out to the teacher to make them aware of a note. Friday Folders: These plastic folders will be sent home every Friday. Information within the folders will include graded assignments and school-wide notices. Inside the folder the left tab will be labeled, “Left at Home” and the right tab will be labeled, “Right Back to School”. Please take the time to review your child’s folder over the weekend and return all necessary papers AND THE FOLDER back to school Monday morning. Facebook: Please look for us on Facebook! Our Facebook page is updated weekly with information on events happening at the school. ClassDojo: ClassDojo allows you to have direct communication with your student's teacher and allows you to see the dojo points your child is receiving for our PBIS incentives. Ask your child’s teacher for information on how to join! Parent-Teacher Communication: The relationship between parents and teachers is important to each child's success. Maintaining a positive, open line of communication is essential to facilitating common expectations between home and school. At the beginning of the school year, please let your child’s teacher know the best way to contact you. Please feel free to contact the classroom teacher to address any concerns that you may have regarding your child's success in school.