Pinehurst Student Handbook 2024-2025

DRESS CODE It is expected that all scholars will follow Wicomico Counties Board of Education School Dress Code Policy. The purpose of the policy is to create and support a positive school climate for learning to occur. If the dress code is not adhered to, parent contact will be made by either administration or the school nurse. The policy is as follows:  Heading coverings may not be worn in the building (hats, hoods, bandanas, etc.).  Shirts must cover the entire back and shoulders.  All undergarments must be covered at all times.  Skirts, dresses, and jumpers may not be any shorter than 3 inches above the knee while standing.  Shorts must be no shorter than 5 inches above the top of the knee even when worn with leggings or tights.  Jackets may not be worn.  Flip-flops and slides are not to be worn at school. On days that your child has Physical Education class, please make sure that they are wearing proper clothing and footwear to participate in physical activities. Please visit the WCBOE website for an in-depth look at the county’s dress code policy. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION New personal data/emergency information forms will be sent home with each child at the beginning of the school year. This form provides the emergency information that is essential for your child. Please complete all information on the front and back of the form for each child you have in our school. For your child's health and safety, it is CRITICAL that we have CURRENT emergency information, including parent/guardian name(s) home phone number(s), cell phone number(s), work phone number(s), and the numbers of TWO other persons who will take responsibility for your child if he/she should be injured or become ill at school when we are unable to reach you. Please be sure to ask these people if they will assume this responsibility before you use their names. We also need to know of any changes in your child's health status. ln addition, if there are any restrictions regarding custody/visitation, this information should be shared with the school office staff and your child's teacher for the safety of your child. Documentation from the court system must be provided reflecting changes to custody/visitation and/or restrictions to student dismissal. Please be sure to update information throughout the school year if any changes need to be made. FIELD TRIPS Field trips are taken at the discretion of the teachers at each grade level and are an extension of student learning. When trips are taken, it is most important that all members of the class attend. If this creates a financial problem for a family, please call the school Principal or Assistant Principal to discuss possible arrangements for assistance. Such calls will be kept confidential. Money for field trips is determined by the number of people going on the trip, the cost of buses, and the cost of any admittance fees. It may not be possible to refund money paid for trips if for some reason a person cannot participate. Once a teacher decides to take the class on a field trip, parents are notified in writing by the teacher, giving you all the details concerning the trip. Questions about trips should be directed to your child's homeroom teacher.