Pinehurst Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Handbook 2024-2025 520 South Pinehurst Avenue Salisbury, MD 21801 Phone: 410-677-5810 Fax: 410-677-5882

Pinehurst Elementary School School Administration for the 2024-2025 School Year: Principal: Mrs. Chelsea Seabrease ( Assistant Principal: Ms. Madison O’Donnell ( Dean of Students: Ms. Jennifer Hill ( School email: School webpage: School Facebook page: Panther Pride Positive, Polite, and Proud

PINEHURST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The staff at Pinehurst Elementary School is pleased to have you as a member of our school family, and we hope that your time with us will be a pleasant and a rewarding experience. This handbook provides information that will answer questions you may have about school policies and procedures. We encourage you to read it and file it for future reference. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Pinehurst School is to create a learning community where all students are celebrated for their individual diversity and academic success. All stakeholders will contribute to the learning environment that fosters high academic achievement, positive social/emotional growth which will prepare the individual child in becoming college and career ready. BELIEF STATEMENTS We believe:  All students have the right to learn, and all teachers have the right to teach in a safe and comfortable environment.  Our school community must be valued and treated with respect.  All students and staff must accept responsibility for their behavior and the choices they make and behave in a way teaching, and learning can occur.  Our school encourages students to become confident, self-directed, life-long learners.  Instruction must be aligned with the goals and expectations for student learning.  Individual integrity, tolerance and respect for others must be taught, modeled, expected, and acknowledged in all areas of our school and in the students’ life.  Foster partnerships with families, businesses, and the community. **Additional WCPS policies and procedures are available at

The ABC’s of Pinehurst Elementary A: Attendance/Absences B: Birthday Celebrations/Class Treats C: Communication with the School D: Dress Code E: Emergency Contact Information F: Field Trips G: Grading Policy & Progress Reports/Report Cards H: Homework I: Incentives J: Join the PTA! K: Keeping Safe (Fire/Safety Drills) L: Laptops & Electronic Devices M: Meals (Breakfast & Lunch) N: Nurse Information O: Opportunities After-School P: PBIS Q: Questions & Notes R: Recess & Cafeteria Expectations S: School Hours T: Transportation & Arrival/Dismissal Procedures U: Unaccounted for Items (Lost & Found) V: Visitation & Volunteering W: What your scholar’s day looks like X: X2/Family Portal Y: You’re Invited! (Title 1 Nights & PAC Meetings) Z: Zest for Learning!

ATTENDANCE & ABSENCES We want your child with us at Pinehurst every day! According to Maryland law (COMAR), it is a parent's responsibility for their children to attend school. Excessive absences and tardiness from school are detrimental to the educational process. Student attendance is a family responsibility. A doctor's note or parent note is required for an absence to be excused. If your child is absent due to illness a written parent note that contains the date and reason for absence is required to excuse the absence. Only 5 days of scholar illness may be excused by parent note each school year. Please try to schedule family trips during times when school is not in session. These absences interfere with the students' learning process and hamper the school’s attempt to achieve an "Excellent" rating for attendance. The County guideline for elementary students is as follows:  To be given consideration, a written request for vacation must be submitted at a minimum of 10 days in advance to the Principal/Designee. If approved, the maximum number of lawful days for family vacations and family trips for any school year must not exceed three (3) days.  Such absences may not occur during exams or state-mandated testing periods unless authorized by the Principal/Designee.  Students will only be considered for other lawful absences up to a maximum of three days, as long as the student has no previous unexcused/unlawful absences or exceeded a total of 5 excused/lawful absences in a marking term.  For absences of this type (other lawful/excused absences) in excess of three days per year, or a pattern of continuous lawful/excused absences, the principal will determine whether the absences will be lawful/excused or unlawful/unexcused. While it is recognized that a trip cannot be considered a legal reason to be absent from school, it is felt that under these circumstances, no punitive action should be taken.  The trip must be with the family or sanctioned by parents.  Circumstances and reasons should be fully discussed with the principal in advance.  All arrangements for homework, tests, etc., should be worked out with individual teachers a week in advance. Students are expected to complete all make-up work within a number of days equal to the time out. For extended absences please consult the administration.

Late Arrival & Early Dismissal If your child arrives at school after 8:45 AM, they must be signed in at the front office by a parent/guardian. The student will be given a tardy slip before he or she goes to the classroom. A doctor's note will need to be provided to excuse the tardy. Students who must leave school during the school day should bring a note to their teacher that morning. Parents should come to the office to get their child, not to your child's classroom. Teachers have been informed that children are to be released to adults from the office. Please do not ask the teacher to change this procedure. This protects your child from being taken by unauthorized persons. 5 Things to Know about Wicomico’s Attendance Rules •Students should strive to be in school all day, every day. Consistent full-day attendance supports students in achieving academic success, graduation, and development into productive members of society. •Parents/guardians and students should review the Student Attendance Policy and Student Attendance Procedure to know the rules for excused and unexcused absences for everything from family vacations to college and employer visits to student illness or death in the immediate family. •Students who have more than 5 unexcused absences in a marking term must successfully complete an attendance intervention plan to avoid failing the marking term. •An attendance intervention plan may involve the student staying after school for up to two hours a day, with parents/guardians responsible for alternative transportation home if needed. Student attendance is a family responsibility. •Students who have 5 or more unexcused absences in the 1st marking term will have to complete an attendance intervention plan *For more information regarding student attendance procedures, go to and click on “Attendance Policy”.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS & CLASS TREATS Our Pinehurst staff enjoy every opportunity to celebrate our children. Birthday treats and other items for class celebrations are permitted in school. If you are bringing in something for a birthday celebration, please bring these treats to the school office before your child’s lunch shift. This will assist us with making sure instructional time is not impacted. Additionally, you may only bring food items that have been purchased from a store and contain the ingredients label. Since some students may experience food allergies, items prepared at home are not allowed to be served in classrooms. COMMUNICATION At Pinehurst, we have multiple ways of keeping in touch with our parents and guardians. Below is a list of how you can stay connected: School Messenger: Our School Messenger system is used to outline the upcoming week’s schedule, highlight important information, alert parents of upcoming events within our school, and contact families when children are absent. Messages will be sent on a weekly basis each Sunday evening at approximately 5:00 p.m. Please share with the office the phone number that should receive all School Messenger calls. Phone numbers must be accurate to receive the message. School Messenger will also be utilized in the event of any inclement weather or emergency impacting your child. Student Agenda: All students are required to use a student agenda that is provided by the school. Students will record their daily homework in the agenda each day and teachers will use the agenda to communicate with parents. Please incorporate the review of the agenda in your evening routines. If a note is written to the teacher in the agenda, please remind your student to show the teacher or reach out to the teacher to make them aware of a note. Friday Folders: These plastic folders will be sent home every Friday. Information within the folders will include graded assignments and school-wide notices. Inside the folder the left tab will be labeled, “Left at Home” and the right tab will be labeled, “Right Back to School”. Please take the time to review your child’s folder over the weekend and return all necessary papers AND THE FOLDER back to school Monday morning. Facebook: Please look for us on Facebook! Our Facebook page is updated weekly with information on events happening at the school. ClassDojo: ClassDojo allows you to have direct communication with your student's teacher and allows you to see the dojo points your child is receiving for our PBIS incentives. Ask your child’s teacher for information on how to join! Parent-Teacher Communication: The relationship between parents and teachers is important to each child's success. Maintaining a positive, open line of communication is essential to facilitating common expectations between home and school. At the beginning of the school year, please let your child’s teacher know the best way to contact you. Please feel free to contact the classroom teacher to address any concerns that you may have regarding your child's success in school.

DRESS CODE It is expected that all scholars will follow Wicomico Counties Board of Education School Dress Code Policy. The purpose of the policy is to create and support a positive school climate for learning to occur. If the dress code is not adhered to, parent contact will be made by either administration or the school nurse. The policy is as follows:  Heading coverings may not be worn in the building (hats, hoods, bandanas, etc.).  Shirts must cover the entire back and shoulders.  All undergarments must be covered at all times.  Skirts, dresses, and jumpers may not be any shorter than 3 inches above the knee while standing.  Shorts must be no shorter than 5 inches above the top of the knee even when worn with leggings or tights.  Jackets may not be worn.  Flip-flops and slides are not to be worn at school. On days that your child has Physical Education class, please make sure that they are wearing proper clothing and footwear to participate in physical activities. Please visit the WCBOE website for an in-depth look at the county’s dress code policy. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION New personal data/emergency information forms will be sent home with each child at the beginning of the school year. This form provides the emergency information that is essential for your child. Please complete all information on the front and back of the form for each child you have in our school. For your child's health and safety, it is CRITICAL that we have CURRENT emergency information, including parent/guardian name(s) home phone number(s), cell phone number(s), work phone number(s), and the numbers of TWO other persons who will take responsibility for your child if he/she should be injured or become ill at school when we are unable to reach you. Please be sure to ask these people if they will assume this responsibility before you use their names. We also need to know of any changes in your child's health status. ln addition, if there are any restrictions regarding custody/visitation, this information should be shared with the school office staff and your child's teacher for the safety of your child. Documentation from the court system must be provided reflecting changes to custody/visitation and/or restrictions to student dismissal. Please be sure to update information throughout the school year if any changes need to be made. FIELD TRIPS Field trips are taken at the discretion of the teachers at each grade level and are an extension of student learning. When trips are taken, it is most important that all members of the class attend. If this creates a financial problem for a family, please call the school Principal or Assistant Principal to discuss possible arrangements for assistance. Such calls will be kept confidential. Money for field trips is determined by the number of people going on the trip, the cost of buses, and the cost of any admittance fees. It may not be possible to refund money paid for trips if for some reason a person cannot participate. Once a teacher decides to take the class on a field trip, parents are notified in writing by the teacher, giving you all the details concerning the trip. Questions about trips should be directed to your child's homeroom teacher.

GRADING POLICY & PROGRESS REPORTS/REPORT CARDS You may access the county grading policy through our school website and/or the WCBOE website to read the policy in its entirety. Assessments Throughout the school year, students will participate in local and state assessments that will assess their performance in Math and Reading. The iReady Diagnostic will be administered three times a year for students in grades 1-5 and two times a year for students in kindergarten. The MAP assessment will also be administered three times a year in grades 2-5. Local formative and summative assessments will be utilized in grades K-1. The information that is obtained will assist your child’s classroom teacher in meeting their academic needs in the classroom and identify the academic gains that your child has made. Students in grade 3-5 will participate in the MCAP state test administration in the Spring. Progress Reports & Report Cards Progress Reports and Report Cards will be available in Parent Portal on the dates outlined within the Wicomico County Board of Education School Calendar. Progress Reports are published halfway through each term and Reports Cards are published at the close of the term. All parents/guardians are encouraged to review your child’s Progress Reports and Reports Cards in order to celebrate their accomplishments and to set goals for the remainder of the year. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your students’ academic performance, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to schedule a parent conference. HOMEWORK Homework is an extension of work introduced by the classroom teacher. When your child does have a homework assignment, you can assist by doing the following:  Provide a quiet workspace with all necessary supplies.  Set a time and routine for doing homework each night.  Check to see if assignments are completed in a neat and conscientious manner.  Help when necessary but do not take over the assignment. Each night students should read or be read to for at least 20 minutes. INCENTIVES We love celebrating not just academics, but good behavior and great attendance! It is important to come to school every day and be your best you. Good behavior will be acknowledged through quarterly PBIS Incentives. Students that earn the predetermined amount of Dojo points will be able to participate. Make sure you are showing the 3 P’s every day! Students will track their daily attendance through monthly calendars. Students that have outstanding attendance will be able to participate in Attendance Incentives throughout the school year to promote the importance of coming to school.

JOIN THE PTA! Pinehurst Elementary is very blessed to have an active PTA! Our PTA actively supports our students, staff, and families. For example, throughout the school year our PTA will host fundraisers that support students in the following ways:  Field Day  Playground Equipment  Classroom Materials KEEPING SAFE- Fire/Safety Drills Practice fire and safety drills are conducted the first week of school and at any other time deemed necessary. Unannounced drills are conducted on a regular basis throughout the year. If you are in the school when a fire bell rings or an announcement regarding a code is made, please follow the instructions given to you by school personnel. Drills of this nature are practiced with the children and staff to ensure their safety and well-being. Our goal is for every child to feel safe and prepared if a situation were to arise during the school day. Please assist us with making sure your child understands the importance of these drills. LAPTOPS & ELECTRONIC DEVICES Each student will be assigned a Wicomico County Board of Education laptop to assist them with the completion of assignments in school and at home. The laptop must travel to and from school with them as directed by the classroom teacher. All students will be responsible for providing appropriate care for the device. We ask that you please assist your child by ensuring:  Laptops and chargers goes home as directed by the classroom teacher.  Students utilize two hands when carrying the device.  Food and drinks are kept away from the device.  The device is used to complete instructional tasks only. A technology agreement is reviewed at the beginning of the school year. Families will be held financially accountable for damaged laptops as deemed preventable by the school administration team. Students are not permitted to have personal electronic devices on while on school property. If an electronic device is out, it will be brought to an administrator and a parent/guardian will need to pick it up.

MEALS Free/Reduced Lunch Applications- Free and reduced lunches are available for eligible children. Application forms are sent home each September and may be obtained from the school office during the school year. Even if you are not eligible for this service, please fill out or cross through the form, sign it, and have your child return it to school. This is essential that we have a response from each of our family households in order to secure adequate Title I Funding. MMFA Schoolwide Breakfast- Pinehurst participates in the MMFA schoolwide free breakfast program. Breakfast will be provided in the classroom each morning. Breakfast will be available daily until 8:45a.m. Lunch at School A nutritional lunch is prepared and served in our cafeteria to ensure that your child will have a daily balanced meal. All students are encouraged to participate in the lunch program as a part of our emphasis on proper nutrition. Milk is served with each platter or can be purchased separately. Ice cream and snacks may also be purchased for students in grades PreK to 5. A lunch menu and prices are sent home monthly. Pinehurst will continue to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the upcoming school year. Therefore, lunch will be free for all students. This program was authorized by Congress as a part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. NURSE INFORMATION Good health helps to ensure your child's regular attendance and good performance at school. Please inform your child's teacher of any physical condition that might affect his/her performance. Do not send your child to school if he/she is running a temperature or feeling very ill. If an injury occurs away from school, please have it treated before sending your child to school. We have a school nurse at Pinehurst every day. The school health services include vision and hearing screening for all Prekindergartners, Second Graders, children new to our county, and children referred to the nurse by teachers or parents. If an abnormality in either of these areas is detected, parents are notified. In case of sudden illness or accidents at school, first aid is administered by the school nurse or other designated persons. Parents are called when the situation requires attention beyond the services provided by the school. If parents cannot be reached and emergency services are required, we will call 911 for assistance. If a student is sent home with a fever by the school nurse, they must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning. Medication All prescriptions and all non-prescription medications that are given during school hours require a physician's medication form signed by a doctor. This includes cough drops, cough syrup, aspirin, etc. A responsible adult MUST bring all medication to school in the original container. Children are NOT to transport medications to or from school. Children are also not to keep medication in their possession during the school day. If you have any concern regarding this policy, please contact the school nurse.

OPPORTUNITIES AFTER-SCHOOL At Pinehurst, we are pleased to host a variety of after-school clubs and tutoring opportunities throughout the year, which are hosted by our amazing staff. To participate in an after-school club, we require parents and students to support the following guidelines:  Provide transportation for the student each day. Students must be picked up no later than 4:45 p.m. each club/tutoring day. After two late arrivals, your student will not be able to participate in the after-school program.  Your child must follow school rules and PBIS guidelines throughout the school day. Therefore, if your student receives an office referral, he/she will not be able to participate in the after-school program.  You must sign up for a club/tutoring session during each designated time frame. Signing up for one session doesn’t sign your student up for the year. PBIS- Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Positive Behavioral Intervention Support is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. PBIS is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based school-wide and classroom discipline systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school-wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student-specific discipline plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students, staff, and settings. Expected behaviors are posted in all areas of the school. Students will earn positive “ClassDojo” points daily to attend celebrations for making good choices and following the Three P’s! QUESTIONS & NOTES As stated previously, communication is key! We want to hear from you and are here to help.  Attendance/Transportation change notes can be sent to  Administration may be contacted by email as shared at the beginning of the handbook.  Classroom teachers may be contacted by email and/or ClassDojo.  Handwritten notes should be sent to school with your child. Please communicate them with your child’s teacher to confirm that they are received by the office.

RECESS & CAFETERIA EXPECTATIONS Recess Weather permitting, students will be able to enjoy time on our school playground each day. Please make sure your child brings appropriate external wear for the outside temperatures. Teachers monitor this free play time and enforce the playground rules which are reviewed with the scholars during the first month of school and periodically throughout the year. Behavior expectations:  Good sportsmanship must be displayed in all game activities.  Body contact games (wrestling, karate, tackle football, tag, etc.) are prohibited.  Climbing on the fencing, swing support, and sliding support is prohibited.  Playing with or throwing sticks, stones, or dirt is prohibited.  There should be no playing in water puddles or wet areas. Cafeteria All students are expected to adhere by the following cafeteria expectations:  Good table manners are always to be displayed.  Conversations will be conducted quietly.  Students are to sit in assigned areas and move through the serving line in an orderly manner.  Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their areas and should place all trash in the receptacles provided.  Students should raise their hands and ask permission to get up from their seat.  Sodas and glass containers are not permitted. SCHOOL HOURS School Building Opens 8:15 AM Instruction Begins 8:45 AM Afternoon Announcements 3:15 PM Car Rider Dismissal Begins Immediately following afternoon announcements Bus Dismissal Begins 3:15 PM School Building Closes 3:45 PM Late Openings/Early Closings Announcements concerning any changes in the regular school schedule will be made through our School Messenger phone system, on the local radio and television stations, and on our website: Notifications of late openings and early closings can also be found on our school Dojo page and Facebook. You may also call 410-677-5100 for a recorded message that outlines the schedule change(s). Signs will also be in the arrival loop located in front of the Main Office.

TRANSPORTATION & ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Car Rider Tags Parents/guardians of car riders will be required to display their car rider tags when entering the pick-up line. If you do not have your tag, you will be required to provide an ID. Car rider tags will only be assigned to those students that will be picked up daily. Tags are available in our front office. County School Bus Discipline Policy Students who fail to abide by the bus rules will be disciplined. Bus drivers have the right to suspend a student from riding the bus for a period of one day. The school administration team may suspend students for additional days. Parents will be notified of suspensions before they go into effect. The School Bus Discipline Policy is as follows:  1st Offense: Referral to the Administrative Office. Discipline at the discretion of the bus driver. The bus driver is to contact the parents/guardians of their concerns before suspending a child from the bus.  2nd Offense: Referral to the Administrative Office. Discipline at the discretion of the driver of the bus. The second offense may warrant a bus suspension.  3rd Offense: Referral to the Transportation Office. Conferences will be held with the Supervisor of Transportation, parent/guardian, and student (and driver if deemed necessary). The student will be removed from the bus until a satisfactory conference is held. At this conference, a decision will be made as to how long the student will remain off the bus.  4th Offense: Automatic 30 school days off the bus.  5th Offense: Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year. Safety Hints for School Bus Riders Students should: 1. Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is due to arrive. 2. Wait in a line away from traffic until the bus comes to a complete stop. 3. Cross the road to get to or from the bus, be sure you can see your driver's face. If you cannot see your driver's face, your driver cannot see you. 4. Wait until all traffic has stopped in both directions before crossing the road. 5. Speak quietly and behave in an orderly manner on the bus so your driver can pay attention and drive the bus safely. 6. Keep your head, hands, and arms inside the bus. 7. Stay in your seat until the bus has come to a complete stop. 8. Pick up dropped objects when getting on the bus, tell the bus driver. Wait until the bus driver says that it is safe to pick it up. Remember, books and papers can be replaced-you cannot. 9. Before getting off the bus, be sure all belongings are in your book bag, so you don't drop anything. 10. Always go straight home when you get off the bus. Prepared by the MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Transportation Changes If a change of transportation is needed, parents/guardians must contact our school office. We ask that all communication occurs in a timely manner to ensure that your child is dismissed properly. All changes in transportation must be received in writing. Verbal confirmation will not be approved. You may choose to write a handwritten note or e-mail us at

UNACCOUNTED FOR ITEMS Our Lost and Found grows very quickly throughout the school year. Found items are frequently posted on our school feed on ClassDojo. Please make sure you contact your child’s teacher if something is missing so that your child can have the opportunity to look in our Lost and Found. Please consider being proactive by writing your child’s name on jackets, lunchboxes, and any other belongings that may get left behind during transitions. At the end of each marking period, clothing that is not claimed is donated to a local charity. TRANSPORTATION & ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Arrival of Students School doors are unlocked for students to enter at 8:15 a.m. each school day (or in case of weather-related delay, one to two hours later). For the safety of your child, please see that they do not arrive before 8:15 a.m. All students on campus must be under the supervision of an adult, which is not possible to 8:15a.m. Arriving at school at the proper time, being well rested and well-groomed are critical factors to the success of all children.  Bus Riders – will arrive and enter on the Evergreen Avenue side of the building.  Car Riders – will arrive and enter on the Mayfield Avenue side of the building.  Walkers/Bike Riders – will arrive and enter the school on the South Pinehurst Avenue side of the building. Dismissal of Students Dismissal will begin promptly at 3:15p.m. To ensure that our dismissal occurs in a seamless manner, students will be dismissed from the following locations and the following procedures must be adhered to:  Bus Riders – an orderly dismissal process will direct your child to the Evergreen Avenue side of the building as your child’s bus arrives.  Car Riders – will enter the car rider lane from Mayfield Avenue. All parents/guardians MUST secure and display a car rider tag on the rear facing mirror to pick up their child. Parents or guardians must remain in their cars as students are being dismissed. Students will not be dismissed to individuals leaving their cars to pick up his/her child at the front entrance. Procedures must be followed to ensure the safety of our students. If a student is getting picked up and there is not a car tag number displayed, the driver needs to have their license available to be crosschecked with the student(s) contact list. If the person picking up the child is not on the list, the parent must provide a written note of the person authorized for pickup. An email should be sent to  Walkers/Bike Riders –will exit the building through the door located to the right on the South Pinehurst Avenue side of the building. Parents/Guardians of all scholars in Prekindergarten-Second grade must be on site for your scholar to be released. Scholars in grades 3-5 will be walked off campus by a staff member and will be expected to cross at the crossing guard.

VISITATION & VOLUNTEERS Visitors and class volunteers must report directly to the school office to obtain a Visitor’s Pass. A state issued driver’s license or identification card must be used to check into the Raptor Security System to gain access to the school. You are to wear the visitor’s pass throughout the duration of your visit. We encourage you to visit/volunteer in your child’s classroom. Please contact your student’s teacher to inquire about volunteer opportunities within the classroom. Only those on the student’s contact list will be permitted into the building unless contact is made with the office staff by the parent/guardian giving permission for other personnel. Please be aware that children preschool age or younger will not be permitted into the instructional areas to avoid disruption to instruction. WHAT YOUR CHILD’S DAY LOOKS LIKE Six Day Calendar Rotation Schools in Wicomico County are scheduled on a six-day rotation schedule. Therefore, the first day of school will be A-day. The last letter day in the cycle rotation is F-day. This progression continues throughout the school year. If the last day students attended before a holiday was C-Day; it will be a D-day when they return. Your child's teacher will send home information during the first week of school that will inform you about which days your child has special area classes such as gym, art, music, and media. This will allow you to know which days your student will need to wear proper footwear for gym. Your scholar will participate in the following courses daily:  ELA  Math  Science (Grades K-2 during Terms 2 & 4)  Social Studies (Grades K-2 during Terms 1 & 3) X2/FAMILY PORTAL In order to keep up with your child’s academic performance, please log into Family Portal. This website will allow you to view your child’s performance on all assignments and current academic standing. The login information is as follows:  Username o LastNameFirstInitialLast4ofSocialSecurityNumber o EX: John Doe 3748= DoeJ3748  Password o Scholar’s Lunch Number We encourage you to not change the password as many times families get locked out of the system. If needed, please call the office for assistance with regaining access.

YOU’RE INVITED (TITLE 1 & PAC) Title 1 Twice a year Pinehurst holds family reading and math nights. The goals of these nights are to reinforce skills currently being taught in the classroom. This is achieved by using games, manipulatives and family participation. Each family receives materials to take home to continue to help their child master these skills. In addition, dinner is served. Transportation and interpreters are provided upon request. PAC Pinehurst Elementary School Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings are held twice a year at convenient times to inform parents of the school’s role and requirements in implementing Title 1 and the right of parents to be involved. Title I families, Title I Family Engagement Specialist, Supervisor of Title I, and teachers are invited. The following topics are discussed and reviewed at the PAC meetings: Title I Family Engagement Plan, family engagement budget, student data, State Curriculum, State and local assessments, Partners in Learning Compact, and family engagement activities. Parents are involved in the decisions regarding the spending of the parent involvement funds. Families may also provide input on professional development for teachers as it relates to understanding the school community and family engagement. ZEST FOR LEARNING Our Pinehurst staff has great enthusiasm and energy when it comes to academic, behavioral, and social support. We are excited that you are a part of our family and encourage you to find ways to be an active participant in our daily happenings. Please know that we are only a phone call away. At Pinehurst, we are here to ensure every child gets the best possible education. Please know that you have the following support staff to help you! Mrs. Chelsea Seabrease, Principal Mrs. Madison O’Donnell, Assistant Principal Ms. Jennifer Hill, Dean of Students Mr. Oliver Johnson, Guidance Counselor Mrs. Beth Pistilli, Student Advisor Mrs. Dawn Fleming, Social Worker Ms. Linda Mullen, P.P.W Ms. Sharon Morris, Home School Liaison Ms. Erica Schlorb, Community Coordinator Mrs. Michelle Moyle, Nurse Mrs. Irvine Taylor, CNA Mrs. Jodi Moore, Title I Liaison