Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021
13 INSTRUCTION Ensuring all state frameworks are followed for Prekindergarten to Grade 12, while meeting the needs of all student groups, including students with disabilities, and addressing identified instructional gaps through diagnostic assessment and instructional recovery (Requirements #2, #4, #5, #6) CURRICULUM REALIGNMENT Recognizing the challenges and limitations many students may have experienced with learning during spring 2020, we are revising curriculum guides at elementary, middle, and high school levels to highlight essential standards for the grade level or course, as well as the prerequisite knowledge and skills learners need in order to be successful with new content. Each content area has developed a reopening plan to target learning loss and introduce new grade level content while maximizing instruction and support for our diverse learners. CURRICULUM CURRICULUM RESOURCES ELEMENTARY READING LANGUAGE ARTS WCPS utilizes all components of the Fountas & Pinnell Classroom for Reading Workshop, which is aligned to the Maryland College and Ready Standards. Lucy Calkins Unit of Study is utilized for Writing Workshop. Learning A-Z, Imagine Learning and iReady Instruction are used to supplement reading instruction. SECONDARY READING LANGUAGE ARTS WCPS teachers and coaches created curriculum addressing the MCCRS and the MD frameworks using a variety of resources including Common Lit, MSDE units, trade novels, SORA, MY Access! and the Holt anthology. ELEMENTARY MATH WCPS created curriculum addressing the MCCRS with guidance from Student Achievement Partners. A variety of ESSA for Evidence resources including Everyday Mathematics 4, ST Math, and DreamBox are being utilized in all K-5 math classrooms. SECONDARY MATH WCPS created mathematics curriculum addressing the MCCRS based on MSDE curriculum frameworks through a variety of resources including Illustrative Mathematics, Discovery Math Techbook, Gizmos, Khan Academy, ALEKS from McGraw Hill, Desmos, Gizmos, and MCAP practice assessments. ELEMENTARY SCIENCE WCPS created curriculum addressing the MCCRS through a variety of resources, including Gizmos and Generation Genius. SECONDARY SCIENCE WCPS created curriculum based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). SOCIAL STUDIES Social studies content area teachers are utilizing the MDCCR Standards and the MD Frameworks for Social Studies for each content taught within the social studies department when developing their daily lesson plans. Our standards are actually called ‘frameworks’ for each content on the MSDE website.
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