Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021
15 ELEMENTARY GIFTED AND TALENTED WCPS has created problem/project-based curriculum addressing the MDCCRS through accelerated learning resources and materials. SECONDARY GIFTED AND TALENTED An accelerated curriculum created and designed by WCPS Gifted and Talented staff incorporates the MDCCRS in problem/project-based lessons and these standards are imbedded in advanced relevant content courses. GUIDANCE (PreK-5) WCPS SEL curriculum based on Second Step and the MSDE/ASCA guidelines for social emotional learning and college and career readiness. GUIDANCE (Gr 6-12) WCPS SEL curriculum based MSDE/ASCA guidelines for social emotional learning and college and career readiness using the Naviance program. A ROBUST MODEL FOR VIRTUAL LEARNING For the first semester of 2020-2021, a full virtual learning model will be delivered through enhanced distance learning practices. Engagement of all students in well- planned and robust virtual learning greatly reduces the risk of sudden changes to students’ instructional progr am that would likely occur during COVID-19. Virtual learning for 2020-2021 will be much different fromwhat occurred in Spring 2020, when the crisis forced a sudden shift to remote teaching and learning. • All content being implemented, regardless of level or subject area, is in accordance with the approved WCPS curriculum and aligned to the national standards and the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards. The Maryland frameworks are fully integrated and utilized in the curriculum documents and resources utilized at every grade level and for all content areas. Classroom teachers are responsible for delivery of instruction through both asynchronous and synchronous learning, in accordance with the WCPS Guidelines for Videoconferencing (Appendix C). Unlike in the spring, teachers will be responsible for lesson planning on a daily basis rather than curriculum supervisors creating units of instruction that may have needed to be supplemented by parents at home. o Synchronous - Remote learning that happens in real time with the interaction between the teacher and students. This occurs in a face- to-face environment or in a virtual classroom setting, i.e. access from home via web conferencing. o Asynchronous - Learning that occurs online without real-time interaction or instruction by an educator. Examples may include but are not limited to pre-recorded video lessons, resource videos, assigned readings and posted assignments. • The traditional Wicomico County Grading Policy and administrative procedures will be in place. Students will see increased accountability for completion of work through the awarding of letter grades rather than the pass/incomplete grading procedure that was temporarily in place for the spring. • Student attendance will count. A student’s daily attendance will be monitored and recorded. • Every student will have a computer for instruction, either one available to the student at home or a laptop issued by the school system. Schools will work
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