Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021

16 with families to determine needs and schedule distribution. Unlike the spring, all instructional resources will be electronic. • Google Classroom will be the county-wide platform where information will be shared by teachers, students and families. • Zoom for Education platform will be the county-wide tool used for synchronous instruction & conferencing with students and families. • A variety of web-based instructional programs will also be utilized by teachers. Examples include, but are not limited to: Kahn Academy, Edmentum, MY Access!, ST Math, Gizmos, Newsela, Discovery Education, DreamBox. (Appendix D is a comprehensive listing of many of these digital tools.) • Families not connected to the internet should explore Internet Essentials and/or speak with school principal about any lack of access. In addition to virtual learning, small groups of students will be scheduled to come to school buildings for specialized instruction or support services beginning on or before October 1, 2020, if it has been determined to be safe to do so. Serving these small groups of students will help the school system and its staff follow and refine health and safety and instruction procedures in anticipation of the eventual return of all students to classrooms, when community health conditions make that feasible. DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENTS The Office of Assessment and Accountability has developed a comprehensive assessment program through collaboration with content area supervisors to determine and address students’ current performance levels and any learning gaps that may have occurred through the unanticipated closing of schools in the spring of 2020. Understanding the need to determine a baseline for student performance in our core K-12 content areas, a plan has been created to assess students using online testing platforms for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Formative local assessments that are aligned to state standards will be used in the areas of Science and Social Studies to determine students’ present performance levels. K-5 ELA – i-Ready assessment platform K-1 Math – Locally created assessments Grades 2-5 Math – MAP Growth assessment platform Grades 6-12 ELA – Locally created assessments aligned to standards Grades 6-12 Math – Locally created assessments and ALEKS Assessment and Learning System EVALUATION OF VIRTUAL LEARNING AND HYBRID MODELS THROUGH THE ONGOING STUDY OF DATA Wicomico County Public Schools prioritizes the ongoing study of data to ensure student success. This recovery plan is grounded in our commitment to equity and the analysis of data as we measure the impact of virtual and/or hybrid learning on our most vulnerable students. We will continue to use program and policy analysis through equity lens guiding questions to identify groups that may be impacted by current policies and programs as well as decisions that are made relative to plans for student learning in a virtual and/or hybrid learning environment. We have identified multiple data points that will be used to understand how well the virtual learning and/or hybrid models are being implemented and their impact on student learning. These measures will be used to analyze and track individual student engagement and success andwill serve tomobilize staff and resources across the school system to meet individual student needs. We will continue to use these