Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021

17 measures to evaluate overall effectiveness and assist in future planning. These data points include, but are not limited to: • Attendance will be tracked daily to identify individual students who are not engaged and may need additional resources, including those with the greatest need for additional in-person instructional time • Access to and use of technology devices will be monitored by teachers and other school-based staff who will report identified needs to the Instructional Technology Department who will provide the necessary remediation • Virtual learning participation will be monitored by classroom teachers and utilized to inform instruction and to determine the need for followup with individual students during asynchronous learning time • Course/assignment grades will be analyzed daily on a micro (teacher) level to identify students with additional learning needs and macro (principal and Central Office) to inform instruction and programmatic needs • Student performance on district and state assessments will be utilized to identify students with significant learning loss and who require additional supports during asynchronous learning opportunities (which may include additional in-person instructional time) • Student performance and participation rate on local diagnostic assessments will be utilized to identify students with significant learning loss and who require additional supports during asynchronous learning opportunities (which may include additional in-person instructional time) • Internal and external stakeholder survey responses and feedback will be solicited to inform policy and programmatic changes throughout virtual and hybrid learning • Educator professional development will be evaluated to identify specific needs of staff for program development to assist educators in their capacity to effectively teach in a virtual environment and to analyze student data to inform grade level instruction • Student participation in small group instruction opportunities will be examined to determine effectiveness in meeting individual students’ needs as well as to inform programmatic changes with scheduling of synchronous and asynchronous learning time • MSDE guidance on First Term Performance Metrics (Appendix E) All measures will be tracked and reported in the aggregate and with disaggregation of race/ethnicity, student service groups (SWD, EL, ED), and gender. Updates on these measures will be analyzed throughout the year and a year-end summary will be provided when all data are available. ELEMENTARY SCHEDULES – What parents and students can expect All students enrolled in Prekindergarten to Grade 5 will engage in learning from home for the first semester (September 8, 2020 to January 29, 2021) or until health and safety conditions allow for greater access to school buildings. • Parents will receive a welcome letter from the school at the end of August. • Parents and students will be invited to virtual open houses to meet teachers prior to the first day of school. • Beginning September 8 th , all instruction will be hosted online with students participating in a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities five days a week.