Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021
18 • Students will receive 2 - 3 hours a day of synchronous (live) instruction from their classroom teacher(s) that is aligned to the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards at least four days a week. • Additional time each week will be utilized for both synchronous and asynchronous instruction in Art, Music, Health, Physical Education (PE), Gifted and Talented extensions, and specialized instruction for students with an IEP or 504 plan, or receiving ELL or intervention services. • Asynchronous learning will also occur for all elementary students on Wednesdays to allow time for support for students and staff in the remote learning environment, and for planning and professional development. • A student’s daily schedule will be provided by the school by the end of August, and will be based on the following scheduling framework. WCPS Virtual Prekindergarten Schedule Guidance Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday Daily Synchronous Instruction Includes: read-alouds, songs, small group instruction, math practice, social skills, and ELA activities 80 min per day • Most instruction asynchronous • Some small group synchronous instruction • Pre-recorded lessons • Teacher office hours for individual support Daily Asynchronous Instruction Includes: student play, pre- recorded lessons, ReadyRosie, and family projects 30 min per day Synchronous instruction Art, Music and PE 50 min per week WCPS Virtual Kindergarten to Grade 5 Schedule Guidance Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday Synchronous Asynchronous • Most instruction asynchronous • Student assignments and activities on Google Classroom • Student opportunities to complete independent work, projects, research, and skills practice • Teacher office hours for individual support • School and county level professional development ELA (Reading, Writing, Phonics) 40 min daily 45 min daily Guided Reading (small group) 20 min daily Math 40 min daily 35 min daily Science/Social Studies (One subject per term) 20 min daily 10 min daily Special Areas and Support (PE, Health, Art, Music, Intervention, ELL, Special Education, 504 plan, Gifted and Talented, intervention, Individual Student work / projects) 120 minutes per week
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