Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021
27 school-based administrators and/or supervisors to confirmwork locations based on a number of factors that include but are not limited to the needs of students, appropriate staffing of WCPS buildings, accountability, contact tracing, and the disinfecting, cleaning, and maintaining of facilities. MONITORING INSTRUCTIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY Wicomico County Public Schools is committed to providing high quality instruction for all of our students. As we transition to a virtual environment, Wicomico Schools will provide our teachers and administrators with a set of clear expectations for effective online instruction. We are confident that those expectations will be met through our current observation and evaluation model with appropriate professional development. Teachers can expect administrators to regularly participate in Zoom and Google Classroom sessions when whole and small group instruction is occurring. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Professional development (PD) for teachers and administrators was a focus area during the closure and the Continuity of Learning Plan during the spring of 2020. Efforts to ensure that staff of WCPS have the skills and knowledge to provide high quality instruction in a digital environment continued during the summer months and will continue as we begin the 2020-2021 school year. PD has covered a blend of topics to include content-centered information and training in using technology applications and solutions in instructional design. • Specific emphasis on Google Classroom as the platform used across the district by teachers, students, and families, with staff training through self- guided modules, short synchronous training sessions and/or complete Continuing Professional Development coursework • Resources and applications to enhance instruction either from an interdisciplinary approach or for specific content shared via schools and content supervisors (Appendix D) • Summer PD with Jay McTighe on essential questions and with Catlin Tucker on designing high quality digital instruction • District license to Kyte learning purchased for asynchronous delivery of self- paced and district-created modules on a wide range of PD topics • Training activities for new staff members redesigned for delivery in a digital structure, leading up to first day of school and continuing throughout the school year • Opening activities for all staff conducted on digital platforms, with both district-wide and school-based PD initiatives • Ongoing and job-embedded PD throughout the school year to ensure that teachers and other instructional staff understand and effectively use new and existing digital resources • Additional professional development activities (Appendix F) The Wicomico County Public School System is committed to extending support and training opportunities to our families and communities. Training will be offered for parents and other caregivers who will be supporting students in a digital environment.
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