Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021

30 ▪ Engagement with other school staff/service providers ▪ Participation in therapy/counseling sessions ▪ Completion of class assignments ▪ Emails to teacher submitting assignment ▪ Submission of assignments or screen shots of work o Attendance will be posted daily. Secondary Schools (Middle and High School) o Teachers will take attendance at the beginning of each day of synchronous instruction in X2 Aspen. o Teachers will use student presence in Zoom classroom platform to validate attendance. o Attendance will be taken and recorded during each class period. o Attendance on the day of asynchronous instruction will be recorded as “present” based on evidence of daily engagement which may include: ▪ Engagement with other school staff/service providers ▪ Participation in therapy/counseling sessions ▪ Completion of class assignments ▪ Emails to teacher submitting assignment ▪ Submission of assignments or screen shots of work o Attendance will be posted daily. Evening High School o Students attending Evening High School will be marked “present” when they submit asynchronous assignments or are in attendance for scheduled live instruction according to program requirements. Teacher/Staff Expectations o All teachers are expected to maintain and document student attendance daily. o All teachers will have assignments throughout the week. o All teachers will monitor student engagement during live sessions. o Each day teachers will review the Class Office Period Attendance Report in X2 Aspen. Attendance Considerations During Virtual Learning Model Parents/guardians must submit email to their student’s teacher if the student will be absent for a full day or a partial day. All work assigned during the time of the student’s absence will still be required for completion and submission by the student. We understand that technical issues such as equipment issues or internet outages may occur. These mus t immediately be communicated to the student’s teacher and designated staff to ensure that support is provided as soon as possible. The daily monitoring of student attendance will be completed by the teacher and by the identified school staff. Students wh o are recorded as “absent” without prior parent/guardian notification will be contacted by the school staff to ensure safety and available access to the learning model. Student Support Teams including pupil