Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021
32 SAFE TRANSPORTATION Procedures have been developed in collaboration with MSDE, MDH, CDC and the Wicomico County Health Department to ensure proper protocols for safely transporting students. (Requirement #9) TRANSPORTATION Transportation will be available for students living in transportable areas who have been identified as needing small group or individualized in-person learning in the school building during virtual instruction. Transportation will also be available for all students living in transportable areas once school buildings reopen for hybrid or traditional instruction. Detailed information on student transportation is provided in our COVID-19 Transportation Recovery Strategies plan (Appendix H). As an overview, the following procedural safeguards will be in place:. As an overview, the following procedural safeguards will be in place: • Buses will be cleaned/disinfected between the morning and afternoon runs and at the end of each day. • A parent/guardian is required to return a completed COVID-19 Parent/Guardian Agreement (Appendix I) prior to the student using WPCS transportation, or returning to in-person instruction. • Students, drivers and assistants will wear masks. • School bus drivers will receive training and resources needed for the disinfecting of their buses. • When a student who rides a bus to and from school presents with COVID- 19-like illness and is dismissed home, the bus driver will be contacted, and a Level 3 cleaning of the bus will be done as soon as possible. Plans for arrival to and departure from schools for parents/guardians transporting students for small groups will be in place to support the physical distancing and the appropriate traffic patterns for each school. Elements of these plans will include: • Review of current arrival/departure patterns in schools with relation to distance from school entrances, areas of pedestrian passage, etc. • Assignment of staff to monitor arrival and departure locations to ensure physical distancing and continuous, safe flow of vehicles • Requirement that parent/guardians will have to wait outside school for dismissal of students during the scheduled dismissal • Separation of areas of passage for students arriving/departing by bus and students arriving/departing by car (parent/guardian) Procedures will be in place for screening of all students prior to arrival at a school, and handling any COVID-19 potential exposures or positive cases in school. These procedures will apply to students who utilize school system transportation, walk to school or are transported by a parent or other person.
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