Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021
35 HEALTHCARE PROTOCOLS Procedures have been developed in collaboration with MSDE, MDH, CDC and the Wicomico County Health Department to ensure proper healthcare protocols for screening and response to positive COVID-19 Cases (Requirement #7) SCHOOL HEALTH SUITES • The WCPS Health Services Supervisor is collaborating with Wicomico County Health Department to implement practices in response to COVID- 19, following CDC, MDH and MSDE Guidelines. Prior to the first day of school all school nurses will receive necessary training on health and safety protocols related to COVID-19. • School nurses will be working on site in school buildings to respond to questions and address health concerns. • In collaboration with the Health Department, we have developed a flowchart to guide staff on sending students to the health room. • Each school will have two separate identified areas for those with and without COVID-19-related concerns - one isolation area for students presenting with COVID-19-like illness and one area for well visits. • Health room staff will clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces throughout the day. • Seating in the isolation area for ill students will be placed a minimum of 6 feet apart to maintain physical distancing guidelines. • Health room staff will clean/disinfect the seating and other surfaces used by the ill students in the isolation area upon student’s dismissal home. • Custodial staff will clean/disinfect the entire health room, including isolation area, and restrooms, every evening. • A Level 3 cleaning will be done in all areas where a student or staff member that is positive for or suspected of having COVID-19 has spent time throughout the day. • To help reduce respiratory droplets on surfaces, students will be required to keep a face mask on while in the isolation area. • Every health room will have an ionizing tower fan to improve ventilation. SCREENING/RESPONSE PROTOCOLS FOR IN- PERSON INSTRUCTION • Guidance from the Wicomico County Health Department and the MSDE Decision Aid: Exclusion and Return for Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases and Persons with COVID-19-like Illness in Schools, Child Care Programs, and Youth Camps will be used to determine when staff or students will not be permitted to enterWCPS buildings (see graphic below). • Parents/guardians will utilize a self-screening tool daily that aligns with the MSDE Decision Aid when determining whether it is okay for their child to come to school or not. • Staff will utilize a self-screening tool daily to determine if it is okay to report to work. • All Wicomico County Public Schools parents/guardians are required to return a completed COVID-19 Parent/Guardian Agreement (Appendix I) prior to participating in person at school and to using WPCS transportation. The COVID-19 Parent/Guardian Agreement states in it that the parent agrees if they are notified by the school to pick up their student due to either COVID-like illness or due to a positive COVID test result that they must have a plan to pick up their student within one hour. The parent also must list
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