Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021
36 two other backup contacts in the event that they cannot be reached to pick the student up. PROTOCOL FOR POSSIBLE/POSITIVE COVID-19 CASES DURING IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION • Students with COVID-19-like illness will be immediately taken to the designated isolation area in the school. • School nurses will utilize appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). If the school is notified of a positive COVID-19 case before the local health department, the school nurse will, with support from WCPS Health Services Supervisor: • Contact the WCPS Health Services Supervisor andWicomico County Health Department Communicable Disease Manager. • Complete the Wicomico County Health Department Contact Tracing Form to provide them with the contact information for the student or staff member and their close contacts. WCPS School Health Services will collaborate with the Wicomico County Health Department to support contact tracing. • Fax the completed form to the Wicomico County Health Department. • Prepare a communication letter (Appendix K) for review/approval by the building principal or designee tomake staff and families aware of a positive case in the school, for those with whom there appears to be no close contact with the case. • Contact the parent/guardian to pick up the student and provide the Close Contact Notification Letter (Appendix L) to the parent. The date of the last contact with the positive individual will be included in the letter. The parent/guardian will be provided instructions for quarantine. • For a staff member identified as a close contact, the school nurse will contact the staff member and provide the Close Contact Notification Letter (Appendix L). The date of the last contact with the positive individual will be included in the letter. The staff member will be provided instructions for quarantine. If the local Health Department is made aware before WCPS is that a WCPS employee or student is positive for COVID-19 or is a close contact of a positive case the Health Department Communicable Disease Manager will: • Notify the WCPS Health Services Supervisor, who will in turn notify the school nurse if a school is affected. Communication letters of a positive case and of close contacts will be sent by WCPS Health Services Supervisor or the school nurse to affected families and staff members. • Take the lead for contact tracing with assistance from WCPS Health Services
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